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vlinnesota Rule 4410.3600 <br />�Zinneso_t_a Rules; Table of Chapters <br />[��jble of contents for Chapter 4410 <br />4410.3600 ALTERNATIVE REVIEW. <br />Subpart 1. Implementation. Governmental units may request <br />EQB approval of an alternative form of environmental review for <br />categories of projects which undergo environmental review under <br />other governmental processes. The governmental processes must <br />address substantially the same issues as the EAW and EIS process <br />and use procedures similar in effect to those of the EAW and EIS <br />process. The EQB shall approve the governmental process as an <br />alternative form of environmental review if the governmental <br />unit demonstrates the process meets the following conditions: <br />A. the process identifies the potential environmental <br />impacts of each proposed project; <br />B. the aspects of the process that are intended to <br />substitute for an EIS process address substantially the same <br />issues as an EIS and uses procedures similar to those used in <br />preparing an EIS but in a more timely or more efficient manner; <br />C. alternatives to the proposed project are <br />considered in light of their potential environmental impacts in <br />those aspects of the process that are intended to substitute for <br />an EIS process; <br />D. measures to mitigate the potential environmental <br />impacts are identified and discussed; <br />E. a description of the proposed project and analysis <br />of potential impacts, alternatives (in those aspects of the <br />process intended to substitute for an EIS), and mitigating <br />measures are provided to other affected or interested <br />governmental units and the general public; <br />F. the governmental unit shall provide notice of <br />availability of environmental documents to the general <br />at least the area affected by the project (a copy of <br />environmental documents on projects reviewed under an <br />alternative review procedure shall be submitted to the <br />EQB shall be responsible for publishing notice of the <br />availability of the documents in the EQB Monitor); <br />the <br />public in <br />EQB; the <br />G. other governmental units and the public are <br />provided with a reasonable opportunity to request environmental <br />review and to review and comment on the information concerning <br />the project (the process must provide for RGU response to timely <br />substantive comments relating to issues discussed in <br />environmental documents relating to the project); and <br />H. the process must routinely develop the information <br />required in items A to E and provide the notification and review <br />opportunities in items F and G for each project that would be <br />subject to environmental review. <br />Subp. 2. Exemption. If the EQB accepts a governmental <br />unit's process as an adequate alternative review procedure, <br />projects reviewed under that alternative review procedure shall <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />ittp:// 04/10/2006 <br />