vlinnesota Rule 4410.3610
<br />`Zinnesota Rule_s, Tab_le of C_ ha�ters
<br />Cable o�f contents for Chapter 4410
<br />Subpart l. Applicability. A local unit of government may
<br />use the procedures of this part instead of the procedures of
<br />parts 4410.1100 to 4410.1?00 and 4410.2100 to 4410.3000 to
<br />- - -- -- -- -- ---- - _ _
<br />review anticipated residential, commercial, warehousing, and
<br />light industrial development and associated infrastructure in a
<br />particular geographic area within its jurisdiction, if the local
<br />unit has adopted a comprehensive plan that includes at least the
<br />elements in items A to C. For purposes of this part, "light
<br />industrial development, facility, or project" includes a
<br />development, facility, or project engaged in the assembly of
<br />products from components that are not produced at the site, but
<br />does not include any development, facility, or project,
<br />;ncluding an assembly development, facility, or project, meeting
<br />the requirements for a mandatory EAW in part 4410.4300, subparts
<br />2 to 13, 15 to 18, or 24, or a mandatory EIS in part 4410.4400,
<br />subparts 2 to 10, 12, 13, or 25. The local unit of government
<br />�s the RGU for any review conducted under this part.
<br />A. A land use plan designatinq the existing and
<br />proposed location, intensity, and extent of use of land and
<br />water for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and
<br />other public and private purposes.
<br />B. A public facilities plan describing the character,
<br />location, timing, sequence, function, use, and capacity of
<br />existinq and future public facilities of the local governmental
<br />unit. The public facilities plan must include at least the
<br />following parts:
<br />(1) a transportation plan describing,
<br />designating, and scheduling the location, extent, function, and
<br />capacity of existing and proposed local public and private
<br />transportation facilities and services; and
<br />(2) a sewage collection system policy plan
<br />describing, designating, and scheduling the areas to be served
<br />by the public system, the existing and planned capacities of the
<br />public system, and the standards and conditions under which the
<br />installation of private sewage treatment systems will be
<br />permitted.
<br />C. An implementation program describing public
<br />programs, fiscal devices, and other actions to be undertaken to
<br />implement the comprehensive plan. The implementation plan must
<br />include a description of official controls addressing the
<br />matters of zoning, subdivision, and private sewage treatment
<br />systems, a schedule for the implementation of those controls,
<br />and a capital improvements program for public facilities.
<br />A local governmental unit that has an adopted comprehensive
<br />plan that lacks any of the elements required by this subpart may
<br />qualify for the use of the procedures of this part upon a
<br />demonstration to the EQB chair that the lacking element would
<br />have no substantial effect on the purpose of or outcome of the
<br />environmental review and upon receiving authorization from the
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<br />ittp://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/arule/4410/3610.htm1 04/10/2006
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