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7-12-2�6 10=�5AM FROM CORPUS CHRISTI CH 651 639 8288 P_I <br />Church of Corpus <br />Chri�ti <br />To: T�OMAS PASC�KE <br />Phone <br />27:31 Fairvie�' Avenu� North, Rosevxlle, MN 55�.13 <br />�,�►x 6 1-792-�070 <br />Y]ate: ��eT'Li�.y X2, 200G <br />Numbe o� pages includ�iaag cover �, <br />sheet: <br />�xom� Rev. F�'a�xcis L. Fried_ <br />Ph o�p': 651-�639-8888 <br />FAX I 65�-G39-82$8 <br />IiE�A�iKS: Q tirgent � For your review ❑ ReplX ASAP [j Ple•asc comment <br />I write as pastor to st�ppoart a iive-year extens�ian o� t�he INTERYM YTSE <br />�'ERMIT—appli�ed for by the N�innesota State 1Fair [PF376$] -- with <br />respect �o the Churc�► �f C�rpus Ch�sti irr Ro��vi.�,�.e. <br />Qur parish has ad�.pted to fihi�s ten-day �vent aand the use of aur parking <br />area. We regard fihxs as a se�ice to �he comm;ua�ity and a measure that <br />saves energy and ��creases safety i.nasmuch �s t�►e user� �an be driven <br />in buses to the Nii�tnesata State Fairgarounds, �There %s $ome <br />compensation t� the Cl�urch of Corpus Chri�tii as wel1. <br />T�xank yau for co��sidering this posifiion or� tk,�'e part of this Rosev�l�e <br />chuarch �� <br />' - <br />. -�r .. <br />NC�TTCE: The information contaaned in th+e facsiynile mcssagc aa pri��:le�ed and confide�kial. It 9� ;r,tended only for the uae of thr. <br />indiv idual or enNty named abovr._ If you are not the int�¢ndcd n�Cipient, you are hereby notifaed that yov are strictly prohab9tcd fm�'�+ <br />�A.v4r.n,inatrng, distributing, OK COpying the infarmation conl.�ined att t��is facsirnile measa e. �£ you h3ve received this mcssagc in �rmr, <br />pl�icc r+ntify us i mmediahely by kcleph�tte and return the original me+a�a�e to us a4 the al�ove addrnss via che i7.5. Poetal Scrvicc. <br />