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7. Additional Required Information: <br />A. Narrative: A written narrative must be provided in support of an application for a <br />street, alley, or public easement vacation. The narrative must full,y describe the <br />need or desire for the proposed vacation sought. <br />B. A survey (1 Copy) including the legal description of the street, alley, and/or <br />easement to be vacated must be submitted. Said survey mutt be 11" x 17" or greater <br />in size. <br />8. Signature: The above statements are true an� correct to the best of my knowledge. <br />Appticant Signature: <br />Property Owner Signature <br />Date: /� ;� � — <br />Phone #: ��J �� L� �.�o-'��v3 <br />Fax #: - � '�-J' �' � �� � � � 2,� <br />E-mailAddress: G��CGv�,�i �iL �.t�J�c ��1,,,,�dr� L:�:., <br />Revised December 9, 2005 <br />�`,\Roseville\CommDev'�PLANN[NG_AND_'LONING'�pplication Fomis\Land Use Applications\ROW_Easement Vacation Application.doc <br />P.i�c 2 of ? <br />