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8' In approving a request for rezoning, one or both of the following situations must be evident. <br />Please check the situation and indicate why such a situation requires a rezoning: <br />A. A mistake was made when the original zoning was approved: <br />� Circumstances have changed since the original zoning that now justifies a change. <br />Please note which applies: Circumstances have changed since the original zoning- <br />The site is presentiv comprised of vacant/vacatin� truck terminals; redevelopment of the <br />site for commercial/residential mixed use is now proposed. <br />9. Additional Rec�uired Information: <br />A. N�rrative: A writteu narrative must be provided identifying and explainin� the <br />nature of the suggested mistake in current zoning, and/or fully describe the changed <br />circumstances that no��° justif�� the requested rezoning. The applicant shouid also be <br />a�vare that a rezoning must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />B. Proposed plan (1 Copy) including site plan are required. In addition, a landscape plan, <br />grading and drainage plan, and exterior building elevation drawings sho��iug <br />buildin� materials may be required as deemed necessary by the Community <br />Development Department. Such drawings sl�all be 8-1/2"xl1" or 11 "x17"or PDF <br />digital format. <br />10. Signatures: The above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <br />Property Owner Sig� <br />Applicant Signature <br />Date: October 6, 2006 <br />Phone #: 651-638-0520 <br />Fax #: 651-638-0501 <br />E-mail Address: ta�reenfieldna, <br />Revised December 9, 2005 <br />\\\Roseville\CommDev\PLANN WG AND ZONING�Application Forms\Land Use Applications\Rezoning Application(2006).doc <br />Page 2 oE 2 <br />