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<br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was duly held on the 11th day of October 1999 at 6:30 <br />p.m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Wiski, Maschka, Goedeke, Mastel, Wall <br />and the following members were absent: None <br /> <br />Council Member Maschka introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 9695 <br />RESOLUTION REVISING THE GRANT TO DAVE JOHNSON OF SUBURBAN TRUE VALUE <br />HARDWARE LOCATED AT 1930 LEXINGTON AVENUE NORTH TO ENABLE <br />IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY <br /> <br />WHEREAS. The City of Roseville received a grant from the Metropolitan Council <br />Livable Communities Demonstration Fund for the development and implementation of public <br />improvements ("Program") at three key neighborhood intersections in the City of Roseville, <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Dave Johnson of Suburban True Value Hardware located at 1930 Lexington <br />Avenue North, received a variance to complete an addition to the business which requires <br />additional exterior landscaping, parking lot, stormwater and sidewalk improvements and <br />additions to be completed to increase the aesthetic appeal of the small neighborhood business, <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Dave Johnson received the approval for a grant, funded by the Metropolitan <br />Council's Livable Communities Demonstration dollars, to complete landscaping and sidewalks <br />in the public right of way along Lexington and Roselawn in February 1999, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, modifications to the plan, based upon City Staff recommendations, require <br />an amendment to the grant that was approved in February. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Roseville City Council does <br />hereby approve the amendment of a Grant to Dave Johnson of Suburban True Value Hardware <br />located at 1930 Lexington Avenue in Roseville not to exceed $12,400 and to include the <br />removal of business existing sign in the right of way and deletion of sidewalk along Roselawn. <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant funds would only be distributed for those <br />actual expenses incurred to enable the improvements in the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council <br />Member Mastel and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Wiski, <br />Maschka, Goedeke, Mastel and Wall; and the following voted against the same: None <br /> <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />Q:\Planning Files\3029_Suburban Hardware\Grant Resolution Revision.doc <br />