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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17, 2013 <br /> Page 23 <br /> intent of the current language, suggesting that it may need more clarification if <br /> that was not obvious. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Pratt clarified that that no ven- <br /> dors would need to factor in cart purchase at the end of the first contract period, <br /> whether three or five years, even if it is a different vendor, as the City would spec- <br /> ify the cart's design. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed concern that the City get in a position or risk with cart <br /> ownership in ending up with obsolete carts as technologies continue to change. <br /> Mr. Pratt advised that the cart designs were pretty standard. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the council direction to staff was that the RFP further clarify <br /> that the bid included pricing both with and without purchase of the carts by the <br /> City so vendors could not pick and choose. <br /> Single Sort, Dual Sort, or to Allow Either <br /> When campaigning, Councilmember Laliberte stated that she continually heard <br /> residents seeking single sort, assuring that they would recycle more; and also hat- <br /> ing any non-compliance notes in their bins, creating a source for ill will. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that it may not be possible to bid the RFP both ways, opining <br /> that some vendors may not offer single sort; and it was dependent on which ap- <br /> proach provided the best cost for the City. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Pratt advised that there were <br /> some legacy contracts out there, but typically most vendors were no longer bid- <br /> ding dual sort but switching to single ssort. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that he had a problem even continuing dual sort, <br /> since it seemed like a bait and switch with the public, since this caused the City to <br /> revert to where it was five years ago, when survey information clearly indicated <br /> that the community wanted single sort; along with the PWEC recommendation in <br /> 2005 unanimously supporting single sort. Councilmember Willmus stated that he <br /> was interested in looking at single sort. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she was perfectly happy with that, since the <br /> City had no intention of offering both options, and since the important thing was <br /> to get evaluation feedback on the quality of materials being received in single sort <br /> was now possible, she wanted that at least on an annual basis. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that there were current industry standards to address that. <br />