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ATTACHMENT E <br /> PRICE WORKSHEET <br /> Instructions for Roseville RFP price worksheet <br /> All proposers must fill out at least one proposal scenario price worksheet. Pages two and three <br /> may be filled out electronically using the attached Form version of this attachment. In addition, <br /> proposers also may complete the optional Additional alternate proposal scenario worksheet. <br /> Proposers may submit multiple scenarios. <br /> Proposers may fill in the attached form or use their own in similar formats. However, the <br /> contents in the attached price worksheet must be included if alternative formats are submitted. <br /> The basic revenue share formula outline within this RFP can be summarized as a portion of the <br /> Proposer's materials sales revenue from commodities less processing costs for these <br /> commodities. Alternative revenue sharing formula may be proposed. The City has a stated <br /> preference for using the specified published indexes as a means to simplify the accounting of <br /> proposed revenue share. Proposers can indicate from zero to 100 percent revenue share for <br /> percent of published price index. Thus, vendors can opt out of the revenue share component by <br /> simply inserting zero percent for the commodities for each scenario proposed. Alternate revenue <br /> sharing formula can be proposed, but these must be clear with examples for each alternate <br /> formula. Also, vendors proposing alternate revenue sharing formula must justify how the <br /> monitoring and accounting of the alternate formula will be at least as simple as the basic revenue <br /> share formula contained within this RFP. <br /> The City will use the assumed tonnage and material splits in Exhibit C for calculating the net <br /> revenue share back to the City from all proposers. It is important to note that the City does not <br /> guarantee any minimum tonnage or any specific material splits. These are estimates only for <br /> purposes of this RFP and comparing the value of any revenue sharing proposals. <br />