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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/16/2013 10:32:29 AM
Creation date
7/16/2013 10:30:13 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 1, 2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> plans coming before the body for the rest of staff as well; opining that this repre- <br /> sented a big commitment. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the pension was intended as a supplemental benefit; and <br /> when someone was retiring, this wasn't their primary source of income. <br /> Since this was his first look at this presentation, Mr. Breen advised that he could <br /> not respond to Councilmember McGehee's questions at this point without giving <br /> it further review. Mr. Breen noted that the original intent was in recognizing that <br /> a firefighter wage may not be high, but if a commitment was made for twenty(20) <br /> years, they would receive just compensation at the end of that commitment <br /> through the fund. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the intent tonight was for informational purposes, with the <br /> actual request coming back to the City Council at a future meeting, allowing for <br /> staff's recommendations as conditioned if an increase was granted. As an ex offi- <br /> cio of the Relief Association Board, Mayor Roe opined that the conditioned rec- <br /> ommendations made sense from his perspective. Mayor Roe noted that as the <br /> City continued to transition into PERA, and eventually those currently in the Re- <br /> lief Association retired, another issue for Association Board membership would <br /> be how the Association wound down with a fixed number in the Association and <br /> no longer growing; what was best for the people in the Association, whether re- <br /> tired or retiring, and from a financial perspective for the City. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that the Association needed a decision on the benefit increase <br /> from the City Council by the end of July; with staff intending to bring this for- <br /> ward as a formal recommendation for City Council adoption at the July 8, 2013 <br /> regular meeting in order to meet the timeline required by the Association. <br /> Mr. Breen concurred, noting that the Relief Association needed to report to the <br /> State of MN before the end of July. <br /> Councilmember McGehee requested that the upcoming meeting packet materials <br /> include the applicable State Statutes or regulations for defined benefit plans. <br /> Mr. Breen advised that they were available on the State Auditor's website, with <br /> Mr. Breen and Mr. Trudgeon offering to provide information on links. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she wanted to know the average payout <br /> per month per person; and how Roseville compared with other communities. <br /> Mr. Breen advised that it varied, but averaged $30 per month based on the number <br /> of years of service; with Councilmember McGehee advising that she would do her <br /> own calculations based on that information. <br />
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