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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/16/2013 10:32:29 AM
Creation date
7/16/2013 10:30:13 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 1,2013 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Chair Maschka noted the two (2) main concepts developed and coming forward <br /> for recommendation at this point for development of a house on a lot with a <br /> •common area, with fairly intensive density proposed; whether as free-standing <br /> townhomes or other types of homes, still being explored. Another concept in- <br /> cluded a 55 plus, market rate housing apartment building that would blend into <br /> the existing homes and transition the area. Chair Maschka noted that the devil <br /> was in the details, specifically financial viability, and cautioned that those specif- <br /> ics would need to be worked through. Chair Maschka opined that, if the City <br /> wanted a certain type of housing, it would need to determine how to achieve that <br /> goal, particularly in the area of financial assistance. Chair Maschka advised that <br /> the next step for the HRA would be development of a Request for Proposals <br /> (RFP). <br /> Chair Maschka reiterated his interest in this very unique experience, and recom- <br /> mended that the process be used on future development projects as well. <br /> HRA Member Vicki Lee expressed appreciation for the proactive process and <br /> bringing in area residents upfront rather than afterward. <br /> Chair Maschka noted another issue that came forward during the process was a <br /> highlighted at a recent Metropolitan Council session on residential development <br /> metro-wide that he and Ms. Kelsey had attended. Chair Maschka advised that <br /> those issues were also evidenced in research provided in the updated Maxfield <br /> Study, indicating that things will develop differently in the future. One considera- <br /> tion was, with the City recently eliminating Planned Unit Developments (PUD's), <br /> how the City would handle variances, if something came up that didn't fit current <br /> zoning requirements. Chair Maschka advised that the Metropolitan Council ses- <br /> sion emphasized the need for innovation, with a lot of today's rules no longer <br /> working, evidenced across redevelopment efforts nationwide. An example for <br /> Roseville included the Roseville retail area, with many strip malls no longer <br /> working, with Chair Maschka noting that the provided great redevelopment op- <br /> portunities for housing as they were often located on busy streets along mass <br /> transportation routes. While Roseville currently has a very strong retail system, <br /> Chair Maschka suggested that the system varied from a shopping experience at <br /> Rosedale versus changes being experienced for other retail areas. Chair Maschka <br /> also noted that many young families want to locate in the Roseville area, and they <br /> want housing options not currently available in Roseville (e.g. better designed <br /> townhomes and/or apartments); but desiring a quality of life beyond a thirty (30) <br /> minute commute to and from work. While this represented a different generation <br /> for marketing purposes, Chair Maschka opined that it put Roseville in a tremen- <br /> dous place to develop based on that perspective. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Chair Maschka advised that the next step would be <br /> for the HRA to develop an RFP, based on the process to-date and any feedback <br /> provided by the City Council at tonight's meeting. One thing for the City Council <br />
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