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Attachment C <br />Today's regional churches like T4C require sites much different than traditional small <br />neighborhood churches. <br />T4C's Reauest to the Citv of Roseville <br />We appreciated your willingness to meet with us on January 11, 2010 to discuss our <br />proposal, your email of January 21 confirming your desire for a pre-submittal letter, and <br />the application guidance you provided by email on February 4, 2009. We respecttully <br />submit this Zoning Text Amendment Application to amend the text of the city code, <br />sect(ons 1005.015 and 1005.05, to allow church, worship/service, and/or school use as a <br />permitted or conditional use. We thank you in advance for your help with fulfilling our <br />goal for a regional site that supports the planned usage of the new facility and the <br />growth of the T4C congregation. <br />d. Other Information: Please see the attached site plan, "PRELIMINARY SITE STUD�ES <br />12/31/09, TWIN CITY CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH". In addition, we submit this <br />additional supporting commentary: <br />Additional Suoportin¢ Commentarv <br />How does the oro�osed use of the 2755 Long Lake Road site bv T4C fit with current <br />Business Land Use Reeulations ladouted Julv 20061� <br />The current zonine of the site is "B-3° General Business District and is described in Sect <br />1005.05 as follows: <br />"fhe B-3 General Business District is desrgned for general retait uses in individual <br />buiidings o� s[rip centers which face and front on a state or county road, It ollows for <br />la�ger indoor ond exterior sales ond fast food sales than the B-2 Dis[rict. rhe 8-3 Genera! <br />8usiness Distric[ is intended/or certain oreas designoted as 8 Business area in !he <br />Comprehensive Plan.' <br />As mentioned above the regional nature and unique character and uses of T4C are <br />appropriate to the existing B-3 classification, although not currently permitted: <br />Permitted. Accessorv and Conditional uses are shown in Section 1005 015 <br />This table identifies "churches" in the same line as "public/private colleges and schools" <br />and only allows their inclusion by Conditional Use Permit in the B-1 Zoning District of all <br />the zoning districis. There are several significant differences between T4C and public <br />and private schools or colleges, in that the children are almost always accompanied by <br />their parents as a family, arriving together from around the metro area by automobile <br />once or twice a week, instead of the segregated daytime use of the schools which would <br />be locally populated with more typical foot traffic. The scale of the church is also much <br />smaller-- on a building scale vs. the campus scale of the colleges. <br />.�ddi[ional Required lnlormation. Page i of 7 <br />,.. ,-� <br />