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,':` 1 <br />. � <br />� x `''n � `/ '�� <br />� : �,�cst Z5, 1996 <br />;�ge 4 <br />Norther3.y 120 feet to a point 19.3 feet Westerly at <br />right angles from the Easterly line of said lot, <br />thence Northerly 116.75 feet more or less Co a <br />point on the North line of and 23 �eet Easterly <br />from the Naxthwesterly corner ot said 1ot, also <br />except the Southwesterly part measured 30 fee� on <br />the Southeasterly and 4o feet on the Northwesterly <br />line; Lot 8 and all of Lot. (NOTE THIS DESCRTQTION <br />TAI�EN FROM TAX STATEMENT NOT A SURVEY) <br />Mrs. Cedarholm on behalf of herself and any other owner <br />of the above property agrees to sign any documents <br />request2d by Brad Oren releasing any easement of record <br />or acquired by adverse possession of �he property <br />previously described in this letter as owned by Brad <br />Oren. Said documents releasing said easer�ents will be <br />prepared by Brad Oren. <br />This office does not represent any of the above parties save <br />�— and except the City of Roseville. No recommendations or opinions <br />were expressed by this oftice. This agx-eement was made solely by <br />the above parties wi�hout any recommenda�ion on behalf of this <br />office. <br />Very truly yours, <br />THE ABOVE AGREEMENT IS AGREED TO BY <br />BRAD OREN: <br />THE ABOVE AGREEMENT IS AGREED TO BY <br />,` JAMES HALE: <br />