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Bryan Lloyd <br />From: Bryan Lloyd <br />Sent: Tuesday, June O8, 2010 3:48 PM <br />To: 'Oren, Brad' <br />Subject: minor subdivision <br />Attachments: PF10-011_Approval.pdf; PF10-011_Sketch_Plan.pdf <br />Hi, Brad. <br />I just looked at the materials you sent in, and it looks to me like you've given me <br />everything we need except that the survey doesn't show the required 6-foot drainage/utility <br />easements along the side property lines. These easements are different than the building <br />setback lines that are shown on your survey; in fact the easements lie within the setback <br />areas. Perhaps you even want to remove the references to building setback lines on your <br />survey (because they're extraneous information for the purposes of the subdivision) but, in <br />any case, you'll need to submit another survey that shows the 6-foot drainage/utility <br />easements along the side property lines. <br />I've included copies of the approval letter and the accompanying site plan illustration that <br />I sent you in March and that reiterate these instructions. <br />eryan Lloyd <br />Associate City Planner <br />City of Roseville <br />651-792-7073 <br />bryan.11oyd(� <br />1 <br />