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Parcel Consolidation at 3a-1-375 S Owasso Blvd Final Re��w <br />This is another flavor of minor subdivision wherein the number of parcels is reduced rather than increased. In this case, <br />the proposal would take two nonconforming parcels and turn them into one parcel that meets the lot dimension and <br />area requirements. <br />This only requires administrative approval. If the only problems are the kind that can easily be resolved (e.g., <br />elimination of a superfluous utility connection), then the City Manager can approve it without having to go through the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. <br />No issues on my end. <br />PatTrudgeon <br />We would need easement dedicated along the side property lines, I believe the code is 6 feet. <br />Deb Bloom <br />I don't know exactly what the home-rebuilding plans will entail, but I suspect that the two garages near the street (and <br />probably the little shed) will also be torn down and consolidated as part of the project. In any case, Don is right that <br />there would be too many accessory buildings if some of them don't disappear; since we can't approve the parcel <br />consolidation if it would exacerbate a nonconforming condition on the property, an approval would have to be <br />conditioned on the removal of at least some of those structures. <br />Bryan <br />the Associate <br />Check for Park Dedication fees. <br />Jeff Evenson, Parks Superintendent <br />This would result in too many accessory buildings on one lot. <br />An issue? Would it still be considered non-conforming? <br />Don <br />No Comments <br />Dean Findell <br />