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-. <br />May 3, 2010 <br />North Como Presbyterfan Church <br />985 W.LarpenteurAve. <br />Roseville, Mn. 55113 <br />,. <br />Hello: <br />1 am your �eighbor adjacent to your northwest parking lot. 1 attended your <br />neighborhood meeting on Saturday, May'I, at4 p.m. regarding your anticipated <br />COMMUNITY GAROENS. <br />I enJoy living next to your church, and the pre-schoolers that come (park) daily <br />September through May - very enjoyable. <br />During the May 1 meeting, I met Ca�ol Rust, and she spoke to me about my <br />concerns and suggested that I put two events in writing. My concern being <br />chitdren that at Umes are not supervised by their parents - picking up the <br />children, rather than dropping them off in the morning. Examples: <br />Two mothers conversing tor long periods and not watching thelr chHdren, or not <br />disciplinfng them. My concern - safety for all. <br />1. Whife the mothers were talking, two, sometimes three children, picked up <br />sticks from my backyard and were playing "fencing" with them. Poking <br />each other and laughing. My concern was possible injury - poking in the <br />eyes and doing damage. And of course, although they were trespassing, <br />what my responsibility would be should that happen, plus noi wanting to <br />see injury to anyone. I was trying to let the mothers see this and have the <br />children stop, but this didn't happen until 10 min. later when they left. <br />2. While mothers were talkfng, one boy was picking up stones from around <br />ypur electrical unit on the north, adjacent to my property, and throwing <br />them into my back yard. This was not a physical threat to the child, but <br />could have been if 1 had not seen it and childrenlparents were present <br />when my lawn was being cut and the stones flew to the body, doing harm. <br />Carol Rust had a suggestlon about the stones, a�d you might check with <br />her in this regard. . <br />I love seeing lhe children, and actually do not mind their being on my property, <br />except Tor the possibility of inJury. When the children are supervised by the pre- <br />school director and assistants, they are so well behaved, it is a JOY to see. <br />