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� <br />D. The City of Roseville on its website advertised for the church gardens which <br />speaks volumes. <br />Only when it was brought to the cities attention did they remove it obviously <br />realizing it was <br />not going to help their case in his matter. <br />E. Public gardens should be an entity of "cities" such as in a open space area or a <br />portion of a <br />local park. Municipalities are responsible for this role---that's is why we <br />indeed pay taxes and we have a Park and Recreation Division in order to meet <br />this need for the public (and I <br />state <br />very much a advocate of Parks and Recreation as I worked with one in another <br />(Packer Country but always have been a loyal, true Viking fan!!!) <br />Lastly, but certainly not least, I along with other neighbors attended both meeting held at <br />North Como by the churches gardening committee. It was unproductive and the neighbors <br />concerns were either downplayed or minimized. They indicated they followed a well- <br />recognized model in proceeding with their plans however when a neighbor checked on the <br />"model" it indicated Step #1 was to involve and engage the neighborhood--which they never did <br />until the very end of their plans! Quite frankly since we are a"neighborhood" and they <br />excluded us from the very beginning, how are we to voice our concerns and comments? Where is <br />our opportunity to be heard? It is bordering on discrimination of a different nature. <br />It is now unfortunate it has to be taken to the council level. I am a firm believer as I was <br />in my professional career of involving all concerned when ideas are conceived and plans being <br />made. There is a saying that goes, "no involvement, no committment" The neighbors are a <br />wonderful group of persons--we could have worked and perhaps come up with a"win win" <br />situation. However, this now cries out for your consideration and what is right and just. A <br />CUP would give the neighbors that opportunity to voice their concerns and perspectives and to <br />have the city formally assess all aspects, conditions and feasibility of this project since <br />it is not low but at very least moderate on it's neighborhood impact as the appeal would <br />warrant. <br />Thank you for your time and indulgence in this important matter for our neighborhood. We <br />hope and trust we can count on you to understand our need to be heard and thus a vote for a <br />CUP is what our appeal is all about. <br />With great respect, <br />Marilyn M. Salay <br />z <br />