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� <br />Report: HRC "Visions of Success" Sub-committee Meedng <br />December 29. 2009 <br />� <br />1. Discussion of agenda format for HRC meetings - <br />a. December changes were positive <br />b. Format changes will include a monthly finance report in addilion to subcommittee reports <br />2. Proposal for standing niles for HRC meetings - <br />a. recommend tlia[ members review all grant proposals for language <br />b. provide sign-in sheet for community members with a checkoff box indicating whether or not [hey <br />would like to receive email messages/mailings from the HRC <br />3. Website/Newsletter - contacted Tim Pratt; there will be no cost to our commission for enhancing/adding to <br />the current website. We need to think of publiciry to drive the people to check out our site. Tim can give us <br />vacious ways to do this. <br />a. Website additions recommenda[ions: <br />1. Access to HR commissioners of each district once thev are established <br />2. Link [o MN Human Righis I.eague website <br />3. Link for HR orieniation/education materials <br />4. Link to State HR Conunission <br />5. Essay and poster contest information <br />b. Opens an internship possibility <br />c. City working space will be nceded for an intem so that she/he can be supervised and get college <br />credit. <br />d. Internship opportunity would be open to all college students (rather than establislung a partnership <br />with just one universin�/college) <br />e. Establish a supen�isor at Ciry Hall (Carolyn?) <br />f Ultimate goaL to eventuatly do our own funded human rights newsletter (perhaps on a quarterly <br />basis) <br />g. Contact Roseville Review about how to get more exposure for our commission (Liz) <br />4. Recommendation to move [he "Number sections of Roseville - assign a commissioner ro represent iP' from <br />the "Program Planners" to [he "Visions of Success" sub-committee. <br />5. Recommendation to have sub-committees provide written reports and submit to Carolyn 10 days prior to <br />the next HRC committee meeting (copies to be sent out with the agenda) so that evervone will have a <br />chance to read the information prior to the meeung. <br />6. Transition plans for HRC chair and Vice Chair ...(David) <br />7. Develop Orientation Process (David) <br />8. New commissioner orienlaUOn (Thelma) - Mazch 20 ] 0(tentative) <br />/Part ojDerelop Orientation Proces.�J <br />Contact LMIiRC re: a"vaining session" for nek commissioners - March 9 <br />Contact MDHR re presentation for new commissioners <br />9. [Part of De��elop Op for Comm to interactJ <br />Regional Human Righ[s meeting - April 2010 (tentalive) Contact MDFIIt rc 2010 Regional meeting <br />�RHRC/MDHRJ Roseville [o hosl in partnership with MDHR. Im�ite parUCipants: Shoreview HRC.. <br />Maple«�ood HRC. White Bcar La[e }iRC. Sullw�ater HRC. Arden Hills HRC Falcon Heigh[s FiRC. also <br />open in��ite to other cities in our region. <br />Velma Kori�el has agreed to hold a HRC Forum or MDHR Showcase in partnership wi[h Roscville HRC. <br />The venue will be Roseville City Hall or the Skating Center. Date to be determined. <br />