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� <br />Sample Letter to Landowner <br />Property Owner <br />123 Grand Avenue <br />Our Fair City, MN 55000 <br />Dear [name of landowner], <br />My name is [your narne]. I am contacting you on behalf of the Sunshine Community Garden Committee, a group <br />oi Neighborhood residenls working on starting a community garden in the Neighborhood. Our committee has <br />met several times for planning meetings and has started building a strong and diversified coalition of supporters <br />for the garden including a representative of the Community Hospital Employee Advisory Council (who offered <br />volunteers), the Sweet Library Branch, the Neighborhood Community Council, and the Lutheran Baptist church. <br />We've also had the ongoing support of an experienced community garden organizer from the local non-profit <br />organization, Gardening Matters, who has attended most of our meetings. <br />We've been searching for potential sites for the Sunshine Community Garden (SCG) and have come across <br />your property at 9th Street and Grand Avenue (926 Grand Avenue). As you might guess, the purpose of this <br />letter is to inquire about the possibility of using your land as the site of the garden. <br />We'd love to speak with you in person or over the phone to discuss what hosting a community garden on your <br />property would entail. We'd also like to present to you the beautiful and vibra�t community gathering space we <br />ernision and discuss our proposal in detail. <br />In general, the garden would be a place where community members who don't have their own gardening space <br />(those living in apartment buildings), or who have too much shade (like so many residents in the Neighborhood) <br />could grow nutritious produce on plots that they would rent for the cost of maintaining the garden each year. In <br />addition to making individual plots available to community members, the garden would serve as a gathering <br />place facilitating positive social interactions. Other possible uses for community gardens include offering adult <br />educationa� workshops, youth gardening programs, growing tood for Iocai food bank, and integration within <br />senior centers. <br />The garden would be managed by the not-for-profit Sunshine Community Garden Committee and there would <br />be an elected Garden Coordinator to oversee the project in iis entirety, a Treasurer to handle the money <br />generated by fundraising and the plot rental fee, and a Garden Steward who would be in charge of generat <br />maintenance of the garden and to make sure that ail the gardeners are maintaining their individual plots (this <br />means you would no longer need to take care of the site yourself). <br />Some of the technical issues that would need to be discussed include negotiating a lease, liability insurance, <br />garden rules and regulations, and water access and billing. Of course, all costs for the community garden <br />project would be covered by the SCG Committee and the gardeners. <br />I've included with this letter some general information about community gardens provided by Gardening Matters, <br />including a list of some of the benefits community gardens can bring to a community. The SCG Committee is a <br />well-organized group of interested Neighborhood residents committed to the creation and continued upkeep of a <br />community garden in the Neighborhood. <br />Thank you for your consideration of our proposal. Please feel free to contact me over the phone, email, or by <br />letter to discuss the community garden project in more detaii. My phone number, email address, and maiiing <br />address are included below. Thanks again. <br />Respectful ly, <br />P inPnl�enP]n.�,�anusidAVu.alrh('wnuuniih(�arJcrosr,�ll�_lT,�m,A'rPlr�'dPrnrrhln(br�mnuulcGardriic::lilunJhnnA(711U5i <br />. ... _,. . ... ��.. ���.mndcnin, rncrcnru 1424 <br />