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-� <br />September 2, 2010 <br />Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thul, <br />,,.... <br />l�i <br />� � <br />Your neighbors at 631 and 639 Heinel Drive will receive a copy of the letter below notifying <br />them of your proposed porch, which would increase the impervious coverage on your property <br />beyond the standard limit of the City Code, and inviting them to participate in the public process <br />of commenting on your proposal. In case you haven't already spoken with these neighbors about <br />your plans, we encourage applicants to do so. If we receive letters, phone calls, or emails from <br />these property owners in support of your proposal, the required 10-day appeal period following <br />the decision of the Community Development Director will be eliminated; if the Administrative <br />Deviation is approved, the building inspector may then issue the necessary permit as soon as it <br />has been approved. You are welcome to attend the hearing, but attendance is not necessary. <br />You are invited to attend and participate in an Administrative Deviation hearing on Thursday, <br />September 9, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the Roseville City Hall Hawthorne Room—in the lower level, <br />adjacent to the Engineering Department. <br />Thomas and Janet Thul, 635 Heinel Drive, seek approval of a deviation from the maximum <br />impervious coverage (e.g, driveways and building footprints) on a residential property in order to <br />accommodate a proposed covered porch. The enclosed site plan and elevation drawing illustrates <br />the proposed porch addition. <br />The Administrative Deviation process allows nearby property owners to comment on the <br />proposal verbally, in writing, and/or at the meeting. Should you have any comments or questions <br />about this application, please feel free to call or email the Associate City Planner, Bryan Lloyd at <br />651-792-7073 or brvan.11o�(a� or attend the administrative hearing on <br />Thursday, September 9 at 3:00 p.m. If the Administrative Deviation request is approved, the <br />building permit can be issued ten (10) days after the decision unless an appeal is filed before <br />then. <br />Sincerely, <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Associate City Planner <br />City of Roseville Community Development Department <br />2660 Civic Center Drive ❖ Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-7005 ❖ <br />