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� <br />Attachment C <br />Jamie Radel <br />From: Thomas Paschke <br />Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:13 AM <br />To: Jamie Radel <br />Subject: FW: Rezoning Open House <br />Attac h me nts: 4149_001. pdf <br />Follow Up Flag: Follow up <br />Flag Status: Flagged <br />From: John Kohler [] <br />Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:33 PM <br />To: Thomas Paschke <br />Subject: Rezoning Open House <br />Thomas, <br />On September 24°i between the hours of S:OOpm and B:OOpm we held an informational Open House for the proposed <br />rezoning of the property at 2587 Rice Street. The Open House took place in the Aspen room at City Hall. I have attached <br />a copy of our sign in sheet noting the names and addresses of the neighbors that attended. <br />The Marchio's had the following comments regarding the proposal: <br />-Will there be access directly to Wewers? There are many children in this area and they are concerned for their safety. <br />1 exp/ained that we do not have a p/an at this time for the site. 1 did tel/ them that the state wou/d prefer the access be on <br />Wewers and not on Rice but that is something that wou/d be determined when an actua/ project was submitted to the city <br />/or review. I also told them that we have a/ready set this site up with a shared access with the Walgreens site. <br />-Acorn Park is a wetland. Will this affect it in any way? <br />1 explained the drainage plan to them and noted that our run off is contained on site and will be directed to the existing <br />storm system. <br />-They are worried about an increase in crime in the area that they are currently experiencing. They are currently starting <br />a neighborhood watch. <br />This seemed to be more of a genera/ statement and not directed at the rezoning directly. <br />-They are happy that the site drainage will no longer be flowing into their back yard. They get a pond in the spring and <br />after large rains. <br />This was an additional comment that came up in a discussion of the existing hardware store site. <br />-They wondered what the allowable uses might be. <br />I showed them a copy of the list of a/lowab/e uses in the 83 zoning as shown in the zoning ordinance. I also to/d them t <br />contact you with any questions or comments they may have. <br />Jace Stumph of RJ Marco Construction stopped by just to see what we are doing. He is involved with the center on the <br />east side of Rice Street. He wondered if there was any way they might be able to get involved in the project. <br />Gary Wolf had the following comments regarding the proposal: <br />Gary wondered how quickly the existing houses would be demolished. <br />