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'' <br />� <br />� <br />r <br />�� <br />10 <br />11 <br />1� <br />1� <br />14 <br />1,�j <br />standards of the underlying B-1 (Limited Business) zoning district shall apply, as stated in <br />Chapter 1005.02 of the Roseville City Code. The parcel may be reused and/or <br />rcdeveloped for any r�. .�.?�+�a :..,., �:��.. °a ;� *�,° .,a°,.i. ,� u � �r ,w,;+o,� u„ �� <br />a� u VU <br />�ie� of the uses identiiied ii� Table 9.2, provided the parking requirements of Section <br />1005.01 D are met. , . , <br />, , , . <br />Table 9.2: Uses <br />LAND US� UALIFI�R <br />Anti ues, handicrafts, �itts <br />Beau arlors <br />Book and statione stores <br />Camera and hoto ra hic su 1 <br />China and lassware stores <br />Contractors head uarters offices aud dcsi�rn services onl <br />Cultural Institution <br />Intcrior decoratin storc <br />.Icwel stores <br />Laboratories, medical & dental research and testin� <br />Leather oods and lu a e stores <br />Li ht fixtures and lam stores <br />Loan offices <br />Locksmith store <br />Mail order sales and limitcd roduction <br />Masseurs and inassa e as defined in Cit � Code Cha ter �09 <br />Medical, dental, o tometrists, chiro ractors <br />Mf electronic e ui /medical instrwnents <br />Musical instrument sales and re air <br />Offices, business and rofessional <br />Off-street arkin & off-street loadin� acecssoi arkin r onl <br />Ortho edic & medical a liance stores <br />Parkin facilities inside accesso ram or under�round arkin� <br />Photo ra h studios <br />Picture framin retail trade on the remises onl <br />Private clubs or lod es <br />Rescarch, dcsi n, and develo . establishments <br />Research, develo ., inf = micro com onents <br />Coffee shop/cafe liinited to 150 sq. ft.; may scrvc beverages and <br />li�ht food items t ical of a coffee sho �: no li uor <br />Schools of music or dancc <br />Sewin machine sales ai�d scrvice household n�achines onl <br />Shoe and hat stores and re air � <br />Travel A enc <br />Veterinar clinics <br />I .lYl�:l1�!f�i�!�=l:El�S'fIl�l=�R�}-S . <br />� • . • . I. <br />� � • � <br />�� � '- <br />. . <br />�. . . <br />. . <br />. <br />� Page 5 of 11 •—. <br />