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� <br />� <br />Warning Efficacy of Active Versus Passive Warnings for <br />Unsignalized Intersection and Mid-Block Pedestrian <br />Crosswalks <br />Draft Final Report <br />Prepared by <br />Thomas J. Smith <br />Curtis Hainmond <br />School of Kinesiology <br />University of Minnesota <br />Guruprasad Somasundaram <br />Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos <br />Department of Computer Science <br />University of Minnesota <br />March 2008 <br />Published by <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />Office of Research Services <br />Mail Stop 330 <br />395 John Ireland Boulevard <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 <br />This report represents the results of research conducted by the authors and does not necessarily represent the view or <br />policy of the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation and/or the Center for Transportation Studies. This report does <br />not contain a standard or specified technique. <br />The authors and the Minnesota Department of Transportation and/or Center for Transportation Studies do not <br />endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are considered <br />essential to this report. <br />