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--. <br />2603 Rice Street North PIN# 12-29-23-11-0053 <br />Legal Description: <br />That part of the South 159 feet of the North 528.73 feet of the East 253 feet of the <br />northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 29, Range 23, lying northerly of the <br />following described line: Beginning at a point in the east line of the above described <br />property distant 73.75 feet southerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly <br />to a point on the west line of the above described property distant 71.97 feet southerly <br />of the northwest corner thereof, and there said line terminates. <br />2595 Rice Street North PIN# 12-29-23-11-0054 <br />Legal Description: <br />That part of the South 159 feet of the North 528.73 feet of the East 253 feet of the <br />northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 29, Range 23, lying southerly of the <br />following described line: Beginning at a point in the east line of the above described <br />property distant 73.75 feet southerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly <br />to a point on the west line of the above described property distant 71.97 feet southerly <br />of the northwest corner thereof, and there said line terminates. <br />b. Proposed Plans. See Attached Plans. <br />c. Consultant Fees: NA <br />d. Written Narrative: <br />We are requesting this Parcel Recombination to facilitate the redevelopment of the <br />existing Walgreens Pharmacy as well as a future commercial building directly to the <br />south of the new Pharmacy structure. This Recombination will allow each structure <br />to have separate PID's and thus separate ownerships. This will also facilitate the use <br />of a shared drive aisle between the two new parcels providing access for both parcels <br />to Rice Street North. <br />