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REQUEST FOR HRA ACTION <br />Date: 08-13-13 <br />Item No: 9a <br />Staff Approval: Agenda Section: <br /> Action <br />Item Description: Authorize Contract Services for Business Retention and Expansion Program <br />with the U of M Extension (HF_0125) <br />Requested Action <br />1.0 <br />Authorize the RHRA to enter into Contract with the University of Minnesota Extensions Business <br />Retention and Expansion (BR&E) Strategies Program. <br />Background <br />2.0 <br />Retain and attract desirable housing <br />The RHRA 2012-2016 Strategic Plan goal number #5 is to <br />and businesses that lead to employment, investment, and commitment to the community. <br />When <br />this goal was developed, the RHRA’s objective was not only to engage the community in <br />developing business development priorities, but to create strong relationships with existing and <br />prospective businesses by understanding their needs and maximizing opportunities for business <br />retention, growth, and development. <br />th <br />The RHRA authorized at their June 18, 2013 meeting to go out to request for proposals (RFP) for <br />BR&E services. The RFP requested firms to assist the RHRA in conducting a survey of existing <br />business and then providing a comprehensive report with recommendations of programs to <br />address the businesses issues in our community. <br />The RHRA did budget funds in 2013 for Economic Development and specifically to pay for <br />professional services to facilitate community engagement. Additionally, RHRA staff has received <br />a commitment of $2500 from Xcel Energy to assist the RHRA with hiring a consultant. <br />The RHRA did receive four responses to the RFP and they are attached for the boards review. <br />Based upon the extensive experience of the U of M Extensions BR&E Strategies Program and the <br />comprehensive report that will be provided to the RHRA staff is recommending entering into a <br />contract with the U of M Extensions BR& E Strategies Program. <br />Staff Recommended Action <br />3.0 <br /> Authorize the RHRA to enter into a contract for BR&E services with the U of M Extension. <br /> Prepared by: Jeanne Kelsey (651-792-7086)Attachment A: RFP Responses <br />RHRA_ Agenda (8-13-13) - Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />