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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Mr. Schroeder also reviewed the previous Master plan for this park from 2000 <br /> that realigned the entry and provided for a large on-water dock or boardwalk <br /> element. However, Mr. Schroeder advised that due to the implementation of a <br /> staircase, current thinking was that it didn't really fit the character of the park, <br /> and ultimate redo of the that element with this Renewal Program. <br /> Discussion included incorporating the existing pattern of flowers along Lex- <br /> ington Avenue as a signature of the park experience; and appreciation of <br /> working in the park tiles to recognize veterans. <br /> Langton Lake Park <br /> Discussion included reinstallation of playground equipment previously removed <br /> by County Road C-2; diversity of styles and activities at various playgrounds as <br /> the playground design process with Flagship proceeds through the public en- <br /> gagement process; community wishes for areas for socializing adjacent to play- <br /> ground areas; and opportunities to introduce unique features in each play area. <br /> Mapleview Park <br /> Discussion included the need for access for strollers, etc. through creation of a <br /> pathway providing a serviceable drive beyond the area currently used by the City <br /> to access rinks for flooding and thereby alleviating concerns of neighbors to ac- <br /> cess the park off Matilda; good condition of the existing shelter for retention, <br /> while accommodating some hard surface for future relocation as the budget al- <br /> lows; and establishment of a new Master Plan for each park to ensure the invest- <br /> ments made through the Renewal Program are not dispensed with any future im- <br /> provements. <br /> Further discussion included incorporation of sun shades for playground equip- <br /> ment and/or social areas as dollars were available and as ongoing public discus- <br /> sions continue in each neighborhood during the playground design process; and <br /> use of natural elements for shade versus installation or building new structures. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in strong support of including those shade ele- <br /> ments as a priority whether money allotted or not, if they were consistently being <br /> requested for each park, especially recognizing the small children using the play <br /> equipment. <br /> Mr. Evenson advised that they were being addressed whenever and wherever pos- <br /> sible. <br /> Mr. Schroeder noted options for using natural versus artificial shade elements <br /> (e.g. existing trees or elements) when possible <br /> Mayor Roe also noted that one playground showed shade elements over play <br /> equipment itself, but noted that requests were also consistently heard to include <br />