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Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />Date: August 27, 2013 Item No: 5 <br />Item Description: Pathway Master Plan Build- out Discussion <br />Background: <br />At the April 23 meeting, the Commission discussed a Pathway Master Plan Build -out Plan for <br />the list of priority pathway segments included in the 2008 plan. <br />At the June 25 meeting the Commission provided feedback regarding the priority segments with <br />scores over 90 and their associated estimates. Larger segments were broken down to create more <br />manageable projects. <br />At the July 23 meeting the Commission finalized the list of pathway priority segments. <br />Our goal for the August meeting is to refine the pathway priority list according to the shorter <br />segments that are broken out on the spreadsheets. This list will be shared with the City Council <br />at a meeting later this fall. <br />In preparation for the August meeting, staff sent out the priority table to the commission <br />members on Monday, July 29. This was in order to allow additional time for each Commission <br />member to go through the list and develop a priority list. <br />At the meeting staff will work with the Commission on developing a Pathway Master Plan <br />Build -out plan. <br />The City's Pathway master plan, including the pathway priority segments and maps, is located <br />at: /nathways <br />Recommended Action: <br />Provide a recommendation to the City Council for the Pathway Master Plan Build -out <br />Attachments: <br />A. Pathway Master Plan Priority table- sorted by score <br />B. Pathway Master Plan Priority table- sorted by ID <br />C. Pathway Master Plan Priority Project Map <br />D. 2013 Pathway Map <br />