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99 <br />2014 Recommended Tax Levy (excluding debt service) <br />100 <br />101 <br />Program Description Amount <br />s <br />t <br />Compensation Study – 2.6% Adjustment to be implemented January 1 $ 104,565 <br />s <br />t <br />Compensation Study – 2.0% Adjustment to be implemented July 1 40,215 <br />Park Maintenance Full-time Park Maintenance Operator position 60,000 <br />Police Patrol Additional overtime 10,000 <br />Police Community Services New American outreach materials 1,000 <br />N/A Unallocated 3,115 <br />Wellness Program Budget Reduction (20,000) <br />Total $ 198,895 <br />102 <br />Tax Levy and Impact on Homeowners <br />103 <br />A summary of the tax levy impact on homeowners based on the Recommended Budget is presented <br />104 <br />below. In an effort to provide added insight not only on the 2014 Budget but also future budgets, a 7- <br />105 <br />year projection of the tax levy is shown below. The 7-year period coincides with the same period <br />106 <br />referenced in the recommendations set for the by the City Council and CIP/Budget Committee. <br />107 <br />108 <br />Proposed Tax Levy & Estimated Impact <br />109 <br />110 <br />Levy Purpose20132014201520162017201820192020 <br />Operations (a)12,543,826$ 12,742,721$ 13,540,003$ 13,946,203$ 14,364,589$ 14,795,526$ 15,239,392$ 15,696,574$ <br />Capital (b)1,586,000 1,586,000 1,796,000 2,106,000 2,266,000 2,761,000 2,961,000 3,611,000 <br />Debt (c)3,140,000 3,700,000 3,480,000 3,330,000 3,330,000 3,055,000 2,995,000 2,230,000 <br />Total17,269,826$ 18,028,721$ 18,816,003$ 19,382,203$ 19,960,589$ 20,611,526$ 21,195,392$ 21,537,574$ <br />$ Levy Increase- 758,895$ 787,282$ 566,200$ 578,386$ 650,938$ 583,866$ 342,182$ <br />% Levy Increase- 4.4%4.4%3.0%3.0%3.3%2.8%1.6% <br /> - <br />% Increase7.3%5.0%3.4%3.4%3.7%3.2%1.8% <br />111 <br />112 <br />113 <br />2014 Property Tax Impact <br />: <br />114 <br />115 <br />Under the 2014 Recommended Budget, the monthly impact on a median-valued home <br />116 <br />will be $4.47 per month. Only $0.83 of this amount is for day-to-day operations. The <br />117 <br />remaining is for debt service. <br />118 <br />119 <br />In total, a median valued home will pay approximately $65 per month in property <br />120 <br />taxes. This is comparable to what that same home will pay independently for gas, <br />121 <br />electric, mobile phone, and internet connectivity. <br />122 <br />123 <br />This 7-year tax levy projection demonstrates that the City is nearing a period of <br />124 <br />stability that will allow for inflationary-type increases moving forward in order to <br />125 <br />maintain current service levels. However, if the Council establishes new programs or <br />126 <br />initiatives, additional taxes will be likely. <br />127 <br />128 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br /> <br />