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4.5Because this request is initiated by the City rather than by an outside applicant, the State- <br />59 <br />mandated 60-day timeline does not apply in this case; this is noted merely to explain the <br />60 <br />“n/a” (i.e., not applicable) notation in the Application Review Details section above. <br />61 <br />5.0PZTC <br />ROPOSEDONINGEXT HANGES <br />62 <br />The proposed are shown in the draft ordinance included with this <br />63 ZONING TEXT CHANGES <br />bold <br />report as Attachment A; proposed insertions will be represented in text, and <br />64 <br />proposed deletions will be shown in strikethrough text. A brief discussion of the <br />65 <br />proposed changes can be found in the paragraphs below. <br />66 <br />5.1The introductory paragraph of the zoning provision means to establish the intent of the <br />67 <br />regulations, and several changes are proposed to augment and further clarify the intent. <br />68 <br />5.2Subsection 2 of this provision is mostly new, but the proposed change reflects the <br />69 <br />original goal for the regulation. The Residential Storm Water Permit (ReSWP) is a new <br />70 <br />tool that means to encourage continued investments in aging residential properties by <br />71 <br />allowing for increases in paved surfaces and building footprints beyond normal code <br />72 <br />limits so long as appropriate measures are taken to ensure that such improvements don’t <br />73 <br />cause storm water problems elsewhere. The proposed amendment eliminates most of the <br />74 <br />technical detail of the original ordinance in order to minimize redundancy and to prevent <br />75 <br />inconsistencies with the ReSWP requirements. The proposed amendment also clarifies <br />76 <br />that the ReSWP is not meant to be used for most new or recent home construction nor <br />77 <br />new property subdivisions that would lead to existing paved surfaces and/or building <br />78 <br />footprints covering more than the standard 25% or 30% of the newly-configured parcel. <br />79 <br />6.0PC <br />UBLICOMMENT <br />80 <br />The duly-noticed public hearing for this proposal was held by the Planning Commission <br />81 <br />on April 3, 2013, after which the Planning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to <br />82 <br />recommend approval of the ;the minutes of the public hearing are <br />83 ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />included with this report as Attachment B. As of the time this report was prepared, <br />84 <br />Planning Division staff has not received any communications from the public. <br />85 <br />7.0R <br />ECOMMENDATION <br />86 <br />Based on the comments and findings outlined in Sections 4 – 6 of this report, the <br />87 <br />Planning Division concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to <br />88 <br />approve the . <br />89 ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />8.0SA <br />UGGESTEDCTION <br />90 <br />Pass an ordinance approving the <br />8.1, based on the comments and <br />ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />91 <br />findings of Sections 4 – 6 and the recommendation of Section 7 of this staff report. <br />92 <br />By motion, approve the proposed ordinance summary for publication. <br />8.2 <br />93 <br />Prepared by: Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd <br />651-792-7073 | <br />Attachments: A: Draft ordinance C: Draft ordinance summary <br />B: 4/3/2013 public hearing minutes <br />PROJ0017-Improvement_Area-RCA_090913.doc <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />