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a.b.For the purposes of the ReSWP, age of a property is determined by the newer of the <br />36 <br />house construction or the configuration of the parcel boundaries is calculated by <br />37 <br />subtracting the year in which the home was constructed, or the year in which the parcel <br />38 <br />boundaries were established in their present configuration, from <br />39 <br />for ReSWP. Notwithstanding this age limitation, a ReSWP may be considered for a newer <br />40 <br />property which cannot be practically used by mobility-impaired occupants. <br />41 <br />a.Receive a Residential Storm Water Permit from the City Engineer; <br />42 <br />b.Submit annual maintenance letters, documenting the ongoing, requ <br />43 <br />storm water mitigation system; and <br />44 <br />c.a.Receive a Residential Storm Water Permit recertification inspectEngineering Division <br />45 <br />staff every 5 years. <br />46 <br />Section 1004.09 (Low-Density Residential-2) <br />SECTION hereby amended as follows: <br />47 <br />C. Improvement Area: Improvement area, including paved surfaces and , the footprints of principal and <br />48 <br />accessory buildings, and other structures like decks, pergolas, etc., shall be limited to 50% of the <br />49 <br />parcel area. The purpose of this overall improvement area limit is to allow f <br />50 <br />construction on a residential property while preventing over-building. Notwithstanding Within this <br />51 <br />improvement area limit, storm water runoff shall be limited to the amount of runoff gene <br />52 <br />during a 1-inch rain event over a 24-hour period by impervious paved surfaces and building <br />53 <br />footprints covering shall be limited to 30% of a parcel; for parcels within a Shoreland or Wetland <br />54 <br />Management District, storm water runoff paved surfaces and building footprints shall be further <br />55 <br />limited to the amount of runoff generated under the same circumstances by i <br />56 <br />covering 25% of the parcel area. The purpose of these further limits on paved surfaces and buildi <br />57 <br />footprints within the overall improvement area allowance is to prevent prob <br />58 <br />excess storm water runoff. <br />59 <br />2.3.For the purposes of this section, improvements does not include yard ornaments, fences, <br />60 <br />retaining walls, gardens, planting beds, or other landscaping. <br />61 <br />4.Exception: For properties at least 20 years old, the above limits on paved surfaces and building <br />62 <br />footprints may be exceeded, within the allowed improvement area, by receiving a Residential <br />63 <br />Storm Water Permit (ReSWP) from the City Engineer. Because additional paved surfaces and <br />64 <br />buildings generate additional storm water runoff, the ReSWP Effectively is designed to <br />65 <br />mitigating mitigate excess storm water runoff relies on through technical analysis of building <br />66 <br />materials, soils, slopes, and other site conditions. In order to ensure adequate and ongoing <br />67 <br />mitigation of storm water runoff, improvements which would cause <br />68 <br />footprints to exceed 30% (25% in a Shoreland or Wetland Management District) of a parcels <br />69 <br />area shall require the property owner to: <br />70 <br />a.The purpose of this exception is to encourage homeowners to mode <br />71 <br />older properties while maintaining the overall character of the <br />72 <br /> <br />