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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 29 <br /> approach, with immediate things for Mr. Trudgeon to work on between now and <br /> the end of December or January when the City Manager search may resume, al- <br /> lowing the ability for the City Council to provide Mr. Trudgeon with feedback, <br /> whether the City Council decided to continue with Mr. Trudgeon in the role of <br /> City Manager or to proceed with the City Manager search. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte opined that the City Council owed Mr. Trudgeon the ability to be re- <br /> viewed on something specific that provided him with measurable goals. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that some of those things had been identified. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that it would be helpful to him if something written could <br /> come back to him from the City Council, allowing for very clear expectations that <br /> he could work on. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that it was unfortunate that the City had been <br /> unable to gather citizen survey information this year, and asked that it be ramped <br /> up for 2014, expressing her interest in having the benefit of that information, as <br /> well as providing for succession planning. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that Mr. Trudgeon had a unique perspective <br /> with his service as a Department Head in Roseville, his experience in other com- <br /> munities, and now as Interim City Manager; and expressed her sincere interest in <br /> hearing his perspective with Roseville operations. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested a mid-range timeframe for Interim City Manager recom- <br /> mendations for improvements between now and January, asking Mr. Trudgeon to <br /> focus on specific things and what is measurable or how to implement it over time; <br /> and tasked the City Council Subcommittee (Councilmembers Etten and Willmus) <br /> with developing that information based on tonight's discussion. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon expressed his interest in seeing that defined list and working on it. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed his interpretation of specific recommendations being sought <br /> from Mr. Trudgeon, including: <br /> • General changes to the overall organization for more efficiencies <br /> • A response and timeframe to implement centralized purchasing <br /> • Timeframe for implementation of a reorganization of the Administration De- <br /> partment <br /> • Timeframe for implementation of the Asset Management Software organiza- <br /> tion-wide, how it will be implemented, and any issues or challenges that could <br /> delay implementation <br /> • Recommendations for managing and recruiting volunteers organization-wide <br /> • Revision of land use RCA's providing options for approval/denial <br /> • 2014 Citizen Survey implemented <br /> • Succession planning <br />