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September 18, 2013 <br />Item 6 . b . 3 <br />Report on meeting with Karen Leadership <br />Attachment #1 <br />Grefenberg, HRC Chair, Remarks at the New American Forum to the Karen Community <br />Roseville Lutheran Church <br />May 11, 2013 <br />The Human Rights Commission is a part of Roseville government. <br />Our job is to advise the Mayor, the Police Chief and the City Council of Roseville on: <br />• How to make sure you feel welcome in Roseville, our hometown and your new home <br />town. <br />We want you to know that our job is to protect your rights, to make sure the law is fair, and you <br />are welcomed even if you are not yet an American citizen. <br />So We would ask you to please help us. <br />We need to learn from you —your culture, your history, and how the government can protect <br />your rights as human beings. <br />So we would like you and the Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM) to work with us, the <br />Roseville Human Rights Commission, and the Police, on another program, another meeting, <br />maybe this fall. <br />3 <br />