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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/24/2013 10:54:57 AM
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9/18/2013 8:19:50 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> that the previous presentation by the Police Civil Service Commission indicated <br /> that the Police Department, which was not part of the study as they were union, <br /> seemed to have an ample group of applicants and a good record of employee re- <br /> tention, suggesting that the City was paying a good wage and attracting too many <br /> qualified people. However, Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that the study provided no in- <br /> formation on non-union employees, while yet requesting that the City Council ap- <br /> prove one of three significant options to increase employee compensation. Mr. <br /> Kysylyczyn further opined that there was no evidence provided on competitive <br /> communities and their positions, or evidence to further support this request; again <br /> further opining that just because neighboring cities pay more, the City of Rose- <br /> ville shouldn't. Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that the study told him nothing, but the <br /> taxpayers were being asked to pay more, with a levy increase above the rate of in- <br /> flation, just to give City employees a pay increase based on a study with no in- <br /> formation to support it, and whether recruitment or retention is actually a prob- <br /> lem. <br /> No one else from the public appeared to speak. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that specifics of the compensation study would be discussed <br /> when that item came up on the agenda; and focused this discussion on the three <br /> requested actions and resolutions for the budget itself, as outlined in the RCA. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her preference to address the questions <br /> brought up by Mr. Kysylyczyn at this time. Councilmember McGehee clarified <br /> that the Employee Compensation Study had been done, not by a labor attorney, <br /> but by Springsted, a third party consulting firm. While also noting that the Police <br /> Department appeared to have a great many applicants for vacancies in the de- <br /> partment, Councilmember McGehee noted that as a union, they were operating at <br /> a 100% average with peer communities for their salaries/benefits unlike other <br /> City employees. Councilmember McGehee stated that she agreed with Mr. Ky- <br /> sylyczyn that all of the factual information on employee retention and other num- <br /> bers had not been provided, even though it would have been helpful to have avail- <br /> able; however, she noted that the City did have evidence that one of its long-term <br /> employees had recently left employ at the City of Roseville for another metropoli- <br /> tan community at a very substantial salary increase. Councilmember McGehee <br /> further stated that a majority of the levy increases being experienced by Roseville <br /> taxpayers right now were coming through as debt service for improvements and <br /> addressing infrastructure needs and improvements neglected during the periods <br /> when the levy was less than the Consumer Price Index (CPI), causing the City to <br /> now have to play catch-up for its reserve funds and other areas. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Finance Director clarified the pro- <br /> posed employee Compensation Plan as recommended in the 2014 City Manager <br /> Recommended Budget, as detailed in the highlighted box on page 1 of the RCA. <br />
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