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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/24/2013 10:54:57 AM
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9/18/2013 8:19:50 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 9, 2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that he had no objection to using the $400,000 to <br /> off-set the levy; however, he agreed that it was not something that the City Coun- <br /> cil would want to do year after year and remain sustainable. However, Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus opined that it would provide an opportunity to limit the bur- <br /> den on taxpayers, as the City just started to roll into full debt service payments, al- <br /> lowing use of the $400,000 to keep the non-debt portion of the levy in pace with <br /> inflation. Councilmember Willmus clarified that he was not supportive of rolling <br /> the$400,000 into the levy. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she would not be supportive of it, as there <br /> was no point since the City was still continually underfunding the CIP going for- <br /> ward, if the figures provided by Mr. Miller were used to make the fund sustaina- <br /> ble by 2020, the City was still not meeting the need, and she didn't see any value <br /> in such a proposal. Councilmember McGehee stated that she would support using <br /> some of the Recycling Fund reserves,removing $2 per residence in monthly recy- <br /> cling payments in addition to spending some reserves to offset impacts to individ- <br /> ual homeowners. Under that context, Councilmember McGehee stated that she <br /> would be happy to discuss the full $400,000 or any portion thereof; but reiterated <br /> her interest in bringing the City back to full funding of a minimum of$275,000 <br /> for its CIP. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she would be open to the use of reserves, <br /> concurring that it was a more honest way to look at the levy for items needing <br /> continuing funding; and seemed more appropriate. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> opined that the City's reserves appeared to be healthy, indicating another plan and <br /> review of current reserve policy going forward. Councilmember Laliberte stated <br /> that she was open to going through each item listed to determine a more honest <br /> approach between the levy and cash reserves. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he was not supportive of using reserves for ongoing costs, <br /> opining that at some point you eventually had to pay. Mayor Roe stated that he <br /> was more comfortable using reserves this year, since reserve funds were healthier, <br /> even though they were not all up to the highest point of the current policy range. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he would consider using reserves from the Recycling Fund <br /> if that helped with the issue of which reserves were stronger and from where to <br /> take the money. However, with $560,000 debt service going on line in 2014, <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it did make sense to use reserves for some expenses until <br /> 2014, because this City Council would have the ability to follow-through. <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, applying $200,000 from cash reserves to the <br /> Preliminary Levy, thereby increasing the taxpayer levy by$200,000. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in opposition to the motion. Councilmember <br /> Willmus noted that the healthy reserve funds were due to overtaxing in the past, <br /> creating a level beyond what was needed to build those reserves, he opined that <br /> the responsible thing to do is to spend down in some of those accounts. Coun- <br />
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