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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 26, 2013 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that, with Ramsey County mandating collection <br /> of organics, it was obvious that the discussion needed to occur, allowing Eureka <br /> to be first in those discussions. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, even though Ramsey County was mandating collection <br /> of organics by 2016, the City didn't need to commit at this time, as outlined in the <br /> RCA. <br /> Mayor Roe invited comments from the Eureka representative who declined com- <br /> ment, standing with staff comments and perspectives. <br /> Mayor Roe invited public comment at this time. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Liane Gale, 2862 Oxford Street N <br /> As a Roseville resident since 2004, Ms. Gale spoke in support of Eureka as a non- <br /> profit organization, expressing her satisfaction with their service over the years, as <br /> well as their company's mission, educational materials, and the various ways they <br /> reached out to the community to encourage waste reduction in general. Ms. Gale <br /> further supported Eureka's encouragement of curbside composting, and urged the <br /> City of Roseville to initiate that service soon rather than waiting for the Ramsey <br /> County mandate; opining that there were no compelling reasons to delay offering <br /> this service to the community. Ms. Gale reiterated her support of Eureka Recy- <br /> cling as the vendor, and encouraged the City of Roseville to partner with this or- <br /> ganization for providing curbside recycling collection services. <br /> Eric Gilbertson, 1788 Skillman Avenue W <br /> Mr. Gilbertson seconded the comments of Ms. Gale, opining that such a decision <br /> made environmental sense, especially the organizations' support of zero waste ef- <br /> forts, putting Roseville in a proactive position. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Ms. Gale and Mr. Gilbertson for their testimony. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested a discussion on the merits of a three (3) ver- <br /> sus five (5) year contract. Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of a three <br /> (3) year contract. Since this is a new direction for Eureka, Councilmember <br /> Willmus advised that he would like to be the position of a shorter tenure if the <br /> agreement needed to change down the road rather than being tied to a five (5) <br /> year term. Councilmember Willmus opined that a shorter term contract would al- <br /> so allow future City Councils to weigh in on some of these things, an overriding <br /> factor for his consideration. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that a five (5) year contract would in effect provide the potential <br /> for three (3) City Council changes. <br />