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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/24/2013 12:06:10 PM
Creation date
9/24/2013 11:26:33 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 16,2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> sues, not only from a broad perspective, but with an extremely aggressive <br /> timeframe rather than having the Interim City Manager constantly driven on line <br /> items by the City Council. <br /> At the request of the body, Mr. Trudgeon provided his general comments on to- <br /> night's discussion. With only 3-1/2 months left of the Interim position, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon opined that it would be challenging to set goals and calibrate expecta- <br /> tions on what is achievable. Mr. Trudgeon agreed with the conversation regard- <br /> ing his vision and plan, and the need to have that dialogue ongoing, with both par- <br /> ties understanding the limits during that timeframe. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that <br /> this didn't mean that things can't be initiated allowing for some progress, and al- <br /> lowing the City Council to determine the direction and whether they had confi- <br /> dence in it being the right direction. As he had discussed with the subcommittee <br /> and his concerns with the aggressive list of goals and whether that is part of the <br /> litmus test, Mr. Trudgeon noted their assurances that there was some give and <br /> take built into the list of goals, but that the ultimate determining factor would be <br /> whether or not progress was being made. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he was fully <br /> aware of the scope and expectations, noting that some of the goals were already in <br /> motion. Whatever language became final, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would <br /> support; and if the position continued to progress in the future with annual goals, <br /> it would be necessary to recognize those goals that were continuing based on what <br /> had been achieved during the interim 3-1/2 month period as part of the City <br /> Council's judgment. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he had reviewed the goals as set <br /> forth by the subcommittee as well as those drafted by Councilmember McGehee, <br /> and was comfortable with both formats. Mr. Trudgeon noted that both documents <br /> basically contained four (4) elements; and suggested that everyone may be at a <br /> point now to set him loose and move forward. If the City Council desired addi- <br /> tional language tweaking, Mr. Trudgeon suggested that the document be included <br /> in next week's meeting agenda for final approval, allowing City Councilmembers <br /> to determine the exact wording they preferred. <br /> If Mr. Trudgeon was comfortable with both versions, Councilmember Laliberte <br /> suggested that language be tweaked for final approval at next week's meeting; al- <br /> lowing Mr. Trudgeon to get started on some of the goals, while asking the sub- <br /> committee to consider the deliverables, timeline or process as applicable. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation for Councilmember McGehee's in- <br /> put on the website redesign, opining that that made sense; and further agreed with <br /> changes in language for the Volunteer Management position. Councilmember Et- <br /> ten asked that Councilmember Laliberte provide her suggested language on the <br /> community survey via staff for the subcommittee's subsequent receipt. <br /> Concluding discussion ensued for a consensus on the preferred format, with di- <br /> rective to the subcommittee to provide a final document based on tonight's dis- <br /> cussion and formatting preferences for consideration on next week's Consent <br />
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