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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/24/2013 12:06:10 PM
Creation date
9/24/2013 11:26:33 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 16, 2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> spections between May and September of 2014, allowing for full implementation <br /> in January of 2015. Ms. Kelsey noted that this schedule would also allow proper- <br /> ty owners to allot inspection fee costs in their budgets. <br /> Ms. Kelsey advised that the HRA was recommending hiring a seasonal code offi- <br /> cial for the first-year inspections in-house versus the original thought for a third <br /> party inspector, and would allow for a modified/reduced fee structure in future <br /> budget years. Ms. Kelsey noted that this would allow for reduced inspection fees <br /> for property owners, and should fees not cover inspection and/or personnel costs, <br /> those additional costs would be funded from the Community Development De- <br /> partment budget. Ms. Kelsey clarified that if the City Council and community <br /> supported a crime-free education element, currently modified out of the program, <br /> it would require additional staffing in the Police Department, and if desired for in- <br /> corporated by 2015 implementation, it would need action by the City Council as <br /> part of their 2014 budget deliberations to determine staffing and funding for that <br /> element. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Kelsey advised that there were <br /> no figures available for costs associated for the crime free implementation; as it <br /> would need to be determined internally. Ms. Kelsey referenced information pro- <br /> vided (Attachment D) for the crime-free tiered certification program and required <br /> training and education based on applicable phases and license types. <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that, as he reviewed the various phases, it seemed <br /> logical and positive. Councilmember Etten questioned the overtime funding re- <br /> quired for staffs training, and questioned whether some of the training or check- <br /> off items nor requiring additional research could be completed as part of a build- <br /> ing's initial assessment for the first year. Councilmember Etten further ques- <br /> tioned if part of Phase III requiring staffs presence could be accomplished as a <br /> regular outreach component, since the Police Department was already very active <br /> and proactive, suggesting that some elements could be incorporated without major <br /> expenditures. <br /> Interim City Manager Trudgeon advised that the crime-free element is beyond <br /> that typically done with current resources or sustainable long-term. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> advised that this responsibility would fall primarily on the Police Department as <br /> the experts on safety and crime, and would need to have recognition as a budget- <br /> ary impact. Mr. Trudgeon opined that it was an excellent outreach effort and if it <br /> could be formalized in this program, would provide excellent long-term benefits <br /> for the rental community and the City as a whole. Mr. Trudgeon cautioned that it <br /> was necessary to understand that the crime-free program element needed to be <br /> proven sustainable moving forward. <br />
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