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B. Upon termination, a Municipality will be given the option to make full payment for the <br />ballot counters, ballot boxes, and ballot marking devices for which it has made partial <br />payment. Such payment must be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of <br />receipt of the notice of termination from the County. <br />C. If the Parties reach consensus on the need to replace the System, the Parties will negotiate <br />a new agreement, which shall include the disposition of the System Equipment, whether <br />owned by the County or the Municipalities. <br />XIX. NOTICE <br />A. All notices, reports or demands given or made by a Party under the terms of this <br />Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or <br />certified mail. <br />B. All notices, reports or demands shall be sent to the representative designated in writing <br />by the Party. If none has been designated, notice to the Party's chief elected official shall <br />be deemed adequate. <br />XX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/ALTERATION <br />A. It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the Parties is contained <br />herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between <br />the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. <br />B. Any alterations, variations, modi�cations, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement <br />shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this <br />Agreement signed by the Parties hereto. <br />C. The parties may execute separate copies of any amendment to this Agreement and the <br />signature pages will be part of the original. <br />XXI. VOTING SYSTEMS ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />The County shall establish a Voting Systems Advisory Committee ("Committee") to facilitate <br />the administration of the System. Any Party to this Agreement may request to become a member <br />of ihe Committee. Approximately ten years following �nal execution of this Agreement, or at <br />such earlier time as the Parties may agree, the Committee shall begin planning for the acquisition <br />of a successor voting system. <br />XXIL SEPARATE EXECUTIONS/EFFECTIVE DATE <br />Each of the Municipalities may sign a separate signature page and all of the signature pages taken <br />together will constitute the original contract and will be as effective as if all of the signatures <br />were on the same page. This Agreement shall be effective as to a Party upon execution by an <br />authorized representative of that Party. <br />9/18/2013 RC Joint Powers Agreement for New Voting System — 2013 Page 12 of 19 <br />