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Appendix A <br />System Equipment List <br />Note: prices are estimates pending the selection of a specific voting system <br />1. Voting and administrative equipment - County <br />Unit <br />uantit Descrintion Price <br />18 Backup ballot counters $4,043 $ <br />18 Ballot counters for absentee voting $4,043 $ <br />36 Ballot boxes $382 $ <br />18 Backup accessible ballot marking devices $4,550 $ <br />828 Memory devices $66 $ <br />5 Central count ballot counters for absentee voting $26,030 $ <br />2 Ballot on demand printers $8,960 $ <br />1 Operating software $137,976 $ <br />1 Staff training — hardware and software operations $140,000 $� <br />Freight and delivery (estimate) $20, 000 $ <br />Subtotal for Equipment Costs - County $ <br />2. Voting equipment — Municipalities <br />Total <br />Price <br />72,774 <br />72,774 <br />13,752 <br />81,900 <br />54,648 <br />130,150 <br />17,920 <br />137,976 <br />140,000 <br />20, 000 <br />741,849 <br />171 Ballot counters for polling places $4,043 $691,353 <br />171 Ballot boxes $382 $65,322 <br />171 Accessible ballot marking devices for polling places $4,550 $778,050 <br />Subtotal for Equipment Costs — Cities $1,534,725 <br />System Equipment Costs - Total $2,276,574 <br />9/18/2013 RC Joint Powers Agreement for New Voting System — 2013 Page 15 of 19 <br />