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and recyclable pape� using soy-based inks, and shall be bound in a manner that <br />does not use glue. <br />XX. SETOFF <br />Notw'rthstanding a�y provision of this P�oject Contrac� to �he contrary, the <br />G�antee shall not be �elieved of liabi.lity to the County fo� damages sustained by <br />the County by virtue of any breach of this P�oject Contract by the Grantee. <br />XXZ. E UAL EMPLOYMENT 4PPORTUNITY <br />The Grantee ag�rees to comply with all federa.l, state and locallaws, resolutions, <br />o�dir�a�ces, nales, r�gulations and executive oxders perta.ining to unlawful <br />discritnina.tion on account of race, coloz, creed, religion, national origin, sex, <br />marital status, status with �egaxd to public assistance, sexual p�efe�ence, <br />disability, or age. When required by law or �equested by the County, the <br />Grantee shall furnish a written a£firmarive action plan. <br />XIII. ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <br />Until the expi�ation of six years after the cancellation or expiration of this <br />Project Contract, the Grantee, upon w�itten request, shall make available to the <br />County, the state auditox or the County's ultimate funding sou�ces, a copy of <br />this Project Contract and the books, documents, zecords and accoutating <br />procedu�es and practices of the Grantee relating to this Project Cont�ract. <br />X�V. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION <br />The Grantee shall make all reasonable efforts to ensuxe that the G�antee"s <br />employees, offici.als and subcontractors do �ot engage in violence while <br />pe�formiiig under this Project Contract. Violence, as defined by the Ra.msey <br />Coun�ty Workplace Violence P�evention and Respect£ul Woxkplace Policy, is <br />defined as words and actions that hurt or attempt �o threate� or hurti people, <br />any action invo�ving the use of physical £orce, harassment, intimidation, <br />dis�espect, or misuse of power and authority wheze �he impact is �o cause pain, <br />feax o� hurt. <br />XV. XNTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT• VENUE <br />This P�oject Contract shall be i�te�preted and construed according to the laws <br />of the State of Minnesota. All litigation regarding tlus Project Contract shall be <br />venued in the District Court of the County of Ramsey, Second Judicial District, <br />State of Minnesota. <br />XVZ. ENTIRE CONTRACT <br />Be Active! Be Greenl Recycliz�g Bench <br />1'roject Contract with the City of Roseville <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />