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Attachment A—Part 1 <br />Be Active! Be Green! Recycling Bench Ini�i��iu�� t�r�nt A,p��ic��i�r� �or� <br />Please complete the form below in application for the Be Active! Be Green! iiecycling eench lnitiative <br />grant. 7his forrr� will become part of the agreement between the Grantee and Ramsey County. <br />El�gibility: Cities, townships, school district, and watershed districts are eligible to apply. <br />1. Contact Infarmation: <br />Name of pu6lic entity: Rose�ille Parks & Recreation <br />Contact person: Jill Anfan� , Phone: 651j792 - 7Zd2 <br />Email address: iill.anfan�@ci.rose� <br />Date: . Ausust 28, 201.� <br />2. Name and description of benc� route: Villa Park McCarrons Lake Reser�oir Woads Connec#or <br />This series of benches wauld follow existin athwa s be innin with the ark entrance at Count Road B <br />[adiacent to Villa Terrace Condominiums] tF�rou�h lower Villa Park to Narth McCarrons BLVQ, benches wil!„ <br />pick up in Reser�oir Woods off 5outh McCarrons. Benches will be Strate�icallv located throu�h Reser�oir Woods <br />Pathwavs exitin� near Victoria 5treet. <br />3. Requested number of benches: _8 <br />4. Optional pa�er(s}: Roseville will not be installing pavers with these benches. <br />a) Please contact Active Li�ing Ramsey Communities Coalition Director, Connie Bernardy, if you are <br />interested in including pa�ers with environmental, nature, and health quotes by the recycled bench. <br />Pa�ers are paid for by the grantee. <br />Paver Quotation: <br />Acti�e Living Ramsey Communities and the Grantee will copaborate on the pa�er quotation selectiqn. <br />5. Estimated installation date (mm/yyyy]: Se�tember 2014 <br />� <br />� • r <br />�l��i�r� �IU'�� <br />.. � <br />�r�r��ey �`vr�r�ur�ri�res <br />��'� ;_ <br />������:.,� <br />��4 � <br />� , b� <br />s,== a �t��, <br />� <br />�: <br />�a,���:�. <br />.�.. . <br />