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Attacnment A—Part 2 <br />Be Actrve! �� Green! Recyclin� ��.��ch i��������� �r�r�i �ppli�ation Form <br />Please complete the farm belaw in applicatian for the Be Actrve! Be Green! Rerycling Bench lnitiative <br />grant. This form will 6ecome part of the agreerr�ent between the Grantee and Ramsey County. <br />Eligit�ility: Cities, townships, school district, and watershed districts are eligible to appfy. <br />1. Contact Infarmativn: <br />Name of public entity: Roseville Parks & Recreation <br />Cantact person: Jill Anfan Phone: �51)792-71d2 <br />Email address: _iill.anfansC�a ci.rose�� <br />Date: . Au�ust 28, 241�_ <br />2. Name and description of bench route: Count Road B2 Sidewalk between Lexin ton A�enue and Rice Street <br />The Rose�ille Parks and Recreation Renewal pro�ram in cooperation with Roseville Public Works is <br />constructin sidewalks aion Count Road B2 rovidin connections to four area schools as well as nearl� <br />Rosevilfe Central Park. <br />3. Requested number of benches: _4 <br />4. Optional pa�er[sj: Roseville wil! not 6e insta!ling pavers with these benches. <br />a) Please contact Acti�e Living Ramsey Communities Coalition Director, Connie Bernardy, if you are <br />interested in includEn$ pa�ers with en�ironmental, nature, and health quotes by the retycled bench. <br />Pavers are paid for by the grantee. <br />Pa�er Quotation: <br />Acti�e Li�ing RamSey Communities and the Grantee wi[I collabQrate on the pa�er quatation selection. <br />5. EStimated installation date {mm/yyyyj: Se tember 2014 <br />� <br />a������ ����� <br />r r � <br />������� �������t�r�� <br />Page 1 af 2 <br />��F`f <br />� *uk <br />4.�^.�s`4 .�� <br />1?!�dS��'Y�� <br />'��`�- �. <br />����� <br />i � 4'"'a ' <br />�3 ��..�.^. <br />i <br />���� <br />� �:� <br />����, �.: <br />