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Citywide Financial Summary <br />The following table depicts the 2013 revenues and expenditures for the fiscal period ending September <br />30, 2013 for the City's core programs and services (unaudited). <br />Revenues <br />General property taxes <br />Intergovernmental revenue <br />Licenses & permits <br />Charges for services <br />Fines and forfeits <br />Cable franchise fees <br />Rentals / Lease <br />Donations <br />Interest earnings <br />Miscellaneous <br />Total Revenues <br />Expenditures <br />General government <br />Public safety <br />Public works <br />Information technology <br />Communications <br />Recreation <br />Community development <br />License Center <br />Sanitary Sewer <br />Water <br />Storm Drainage <br />Golf Course <br />Recycling <br />Total Expenditures <br />2013 2013 % % <br />Bud�et Actual Actual Expect. Diff. <br />$12,333,826 $ 6,254,352 50.7% 56.6% -5.9% <br />874,000 334,902 38.3% 38.8% -0.5% <br />1,300,966 1,033,401 79.4% 64.5% 14.9% <br />19,515,620 11,182,394 57.3% 59.1% -1.8% <br />220,000 172,242 78.3% 75.1% 32% <br />373,698 210,276 56.3% 56.6% -0.3% <br />328,879 415,554 126.4% 113.7% 12.7% <br />- 41,648 0.0% 0.0% n/a <br />242,339 - 0.0% 0.0% n/a <br />550,683 390,713 71.0% 120.5% -49.5% <br />$ 35,740,011 $ 20,035,484 56.1% 58.5% -2.4% <br />$ 2,086,384 $ 1,679,252 80.5% 68.1% 12.4% <br />8,207,141 5,687,836 69.3% 69.1% 02% <br />2,543,412 1,877,731 73.8% 68.3% 5.5% <br />1,562,060 1,122,183 71.8% 70.6% 12% <br />374,698 325,325 86.8% 762% 10.6% <br />4,008,105 2,578,017 64.3% 70.0% -5.7% <br />1,045,990 838,492 802% 942% -14.0% <br />1,195,295 788,829 66.0% 66.1% -0.1% <br />5,114,175 3,764,616 73.6% 60.4% 132% <br />7,841,440 4,650,551 59.3% 62.0% -2.7% <br />2,031,915 769,204 37.9% 53.7% -15.8% <br />410,800 237,959 57.9% 63.9% -6.0% <br />531,695 411,064 77.3% 76.7% 0.6% <br />$36,953,110 $24,731,057 66.9% 66.6% 0.3% <br />Table Comments: <br />❖`% Actual' column depicts the percentage spent compared to the budget <br />❖`% Norm' column depicts the percentage of eapenditures we normally incur during this period as measured over <br />the previous 3 years <br />❖`Diff' column depicts the difference between the percentage actually spent and the percentage we typically incur. <br />A percentage difference of 10% or more in this column would be considered significant <br />Revenue and Expenditure Comments <br />Overall, revenues and expenditures were near expected levels. Greater detail can be found in the <br />individual Fund summaries below. <br />Page 2 of 13 <br />