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Information Technology Fund Summary <br />The following table depicts the 2013 financial activity for the Information Technology Fund for the <br />fiscal period ending September 30, 2013 (unaudited). <br />2013 2013 % % <br />Bud�et Actual Actual Expect. Diff. <br />Revenues <br />Charges for services $ 860,018 $ 748,649 87.1% 682% 18.9% <br />General property taxes - - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% <br />Rentals / Lease 328,879 382,871 116.4% 100.8% 15.6% <br />Miscellaneous 373,163 28,080 7.5% 0.0% 7.5% <br />Total Revenues $ 1,562,060 $ 1,159,599 742% 70.6% 3.6% <br />Expenditures <br />Information technology <br />Total Expenditures <br />1,562,060 1,122,183 71.8% 70.6% 12% <br />$ 1,562,060 $ 1,122,183 71.8% 70.6% 12% <br />Comments: <br />Overall, Information Technology revenues and expenditures were near expected levels. Charges for <br />services were higher due to the addition of several cities for which Roseville provides IT support. <br />Lease revenues were also higher than expected due to a one-time billing adjustment for a wireless <br />service provider. <br />� The Information Technology Fund is currently in fair financial condition with $226,000 in available <br />cash reserves for operations or capital replacements. This represents 14% of the total operating budget. <br />The City's Cash Reserve Policy establishes a target reserve level of 10-25% for this Fund excluding <br />� any long-term capital replacement needs. <br />� The Information Technology Fund is expected to continue to face challenges in meeting unmet <br />� citywide needs. Current funding sources are insufficient to replace city equipment at the end of their <br />�� useful lives. Additional funding will be required beginning in 2014 to improve the Fund's financial <br />stability. <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />