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D. The City's Public Works Director or designee shall act as the City's representative <br />with respect to the Work to be performed under this Agreement. Such representative <br />shall have authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret, and define <br />the City's policy and decisions with respect to the Work to be performed under this <br />Agreement, but shall not have the right to enter into contracts or make binding <br />agreements on behalf of the City with respect to the Work or this Agreement. <br />5. Method of Payment. The Contractor shall submit to the City, on a monthly basis, an <br />itemized invoice for Work performed under this Agreement. The Contractor shall verify <br />all statements submitted for payment in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Sections <br />471.38 and 471.391. Invoices submitted shall be paid in the same manner as other claims <br />made to the City. To receive any payment pursuant to this Agreement, invoices shall <br />contain the following: <br />A. The current billing and past payments. <br />B. The following statement dated and signed by the Contractor: "I declare under penalty <br />of perjury that this account, claim, or demand is just and correct and that no part of it <br />has been paid." <br />The payment of invoices shall be subj ect to the following provisions: <br />A. The City shall have the right to suspend the Work to be performed by the <br />Contractor under this Agreement when it deems necessary to protect the City, <br />residents of the City or others who are affected by the Work If any Work to be <br />performed by the Contractor is suspended in whole or in part by the City, the <br />Contractor shall be paid for any services performed prior to the delivery upon <br />Contractor of written notice from the City of such suspension. <br />B. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for services performed by any third party <br />independent contractors and/or subcontractors only if the City has authorized the <br />retention of and has agreed to pay such persons or entities pursuant to Section 3B <br />above. <br />Contractor shall, each quarter, pay the City one hundred percent of the net revenue from <br />the sale of the recyclables. Net revenue will be calculated by multiplying the tons of <br />individual material collected by the agreed upon market indices (indicated in the RFP) <br />minus the processing fee of $74 per ton for all recyclables processed. Because the owner <br />of the Yellow Sheet Index discontinued the category Mixed Paper #1, the City and <br />Contractor agree to replace that index with OMB Yellow Sheet, Chicago region for <br />Mixed Paper #2, high side of the range. <br />For commodities where revenue is based on Market pricing the Contractor shall provide <br />copies of Load Verification Forms detailing the amount of material sold, the vendor, and <br />the price paid. The Load Verification Forms shall be included with the Contractor's <br />monthly report to the City. The following commodities will use Market pricing <br />� <br />