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requirements stated above, the following applies to the insurance policies required <br />under this Provision: <br />a. All policies shall be written on an "occurrence" form ("claims made" and <br />"modified occurrence" forms are not acceptable); <br />b. All policies, except the Worker's Compensation Policy, shall contain a waiver of <br />subrogation naming "the City of Roseville"; <br />c. All policies, except the Worker's Compensation Policy, shall name "the City of <br />Roseville" as an additional insured; <br />d. All policies, except the Worker's Compensation Policy, shall insure the defense <br />and indemnify obligations assumed by Contractor under this Agreement; and <br />e. All policies shall contain a provision that coverages afforded thereunder shall not <br />be canceled or non-renewed or restrictive modifications added, without thirty (30) <br />days prior written notice to the City. <br />A copy of the Contractor's insurance declaration page, Rider and/or Endorsement, as <br />applicable, which evidences the compliance with this Paragraph 18, must be filed <br />with City prior to the start of Contractor's Work Such documents evidencing <br />insurance shall be in a form acceptable to City and shall provide satisfactory evidence <br />that Contractor has complied with all insurance requirements. Renewal certificates <br />shall be provided to City prior to the expiration date of any of the required policies. <br />City will not be obligated, however, to review such declaration page, Rider, <br />Endorsement or certificates or other evidence of insurance, or to advise Contractor of <br />any deficiencies in such documents and receipt thereof shall not relieve Contractor <br />from, nor be deemed a waiver of, City's right to enforce the terms of Contractor's <br />obligations hereunder. City reserves the right to examine any policy provided for <br />under this Provision 18. <br />E. If Contractor fails to provide the insurance coverage specified herein, the Contractor <br />will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, the City's officials, agents and <br />employees from any loss, claim, liability and expense (including reasonable <br />attorney's fees and expenses of litigation) to the extent necessary to afford the same <br />protection as would have been provided by the specified insurance. Except to the <br />extent prohibited by law, this indemnity applies regardless of any strict liability or <br />negligence attributable to the City (including sole negligence) and regardless of the <br />extent to which the underlying occurrence (i.e., the event giving rise to a claim which <br />would have been covered by the specified insurance) is attributable to the negligent or <br />otherwise wrongful act or omission (including breach of contract) of Contractor, its <br />contractors, subcontractors, agents, employees or delegates. Contractor agrees that <br />this indemnity shall be construed and applied in favor of indemnification. Contractor <br />also agrees that if applicable law limits or precludes any aspect of this indemnity, <br />then the indemnity will be considered limited only to the extent necessary to comply <br />: <br />