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Excel Energy was overwhelmed by the amount of damage that had taken place to their <br />infrastructure. They refused to give estimated time of restoration of services, even to emergency <br />workers. This caused frustration on many levels and caused for hazardous conditions throughout <br />the city for many days. Things improved when workers from outstate where brought in to assist <br />in the restoration of services. <br />COStS <br />There were extensive costs that were incurred due to the storm. The Fire Department's <br />total was $4,155.74. This was the cost for labor only. The Police Department did not incur <br />additional costs due to the storm. The Public Works and Parks departments however were not as <br />fortunate. The Public Works Department bore the brunt of costs due to the extensive cleanup that <br />was needed. Their labor costs were $133,431.82. The Parks Department's labor costs were <br />$47,587.55. The combined total costs for the Public Works and Parks Departments were <br />$456,724.48. This includes labor and all other operational costs of the cleanup. <br />The overall cost of the storm was $460,880.22. The departments worked together to <br />minimize the overall financial impact to the city whenever possible. Despite this, there was a <br />significant financial burden that the city suffered due to the storm. <br />In order to meet FEMA and state thresholds of reimbursement, we must meet certain <br />criteria. The Stafford Act sets both state and county thresholds. These thresholds are based on a <br />pre-determined legal formula that disaster damages must exceed. The formula uses population of <br />the jurisdiction as determined in the last official U.S. Census which is then entered to multiply <br />population by $3.45 per capita for counties and $1.37 per capita for the state. The 2010 Census <br />for Ramsey County was 508,640 x 3.45 =$1,754,808. The 2010 State of Minnesota Census = <br />5,303,925 x$1.37 =$7,266377. While it was estimated that the state total damages from the <br />June storms was over 7.5 million, Ramsey County did not exceed the required threshold. Thus <br />we are not able to recover losses from the federal government. <br />Recommendations <br />There were a few recommendations that came from the events of the storm and the <br />cleanup afterward. One of them was that there are a number of'storm chasers' that often enter <br />cities to perform tree removal and roofing repair work When putting out information for <br />residents, we could include that the Housing Resource Center will send a representative out to <br />residents homes to review these types of work bids and prices, and let residents know if the work <br />descriptions appear correct and if the prices are in line. This is a free service provided Roseville <br />residents through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. <br />