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<br />Schedule.B:. SecuritvProcedurMandTranlactlon SettlementIDellverv Tlmeframe. <br /> <br />Security Procedures. <br />The FinaAciat Institution grants access to its ban king . system· to · performtral1l8Ctlons authorIZed in <br />Schedule A. The Company agrees to establish prudent security standards and policies that Include <br />proper. &afeguards to protect the confidentiality of all· login IDsandPI$SWOrds that are assigned to the <br />Company for Initiating transactions using this sys1em. My transaction initiated or authorized usIng a valid <br />combination of a LoglnlDand PSSS'NOrd wlUbe considered authentic, valid and binding by the Company <br />and Financial Institution. The Financial Institution 8g1'88$ to provide relilsooi!ilble assisUinceto establish <br />Login IDs and PasswordS, training, and iUP )()rt to the Company for properly using thesetviœs. If1lesor <br />entries need to be delivered to the Finan~alln&titutlon, the InformatiOn must be delivered to the address <br />below'. If the Companysuspect& or believes any suållnfonnation has been compromised. it shall <br />immediately . contact the Financial Institution at the following address: <br /> <br />Emergency Contact <br />Financial Institution <br />Street Address <br /> <br />Michael Ohlhauser <br /> <br />V.P. Operations <br /> <br />Title <br />City/StRo&evUIe,MN 55113 <br />Fax F,<;1 -.:1A7-.:1.:1 ~F, <br /> <br />Telephone Number <br /> <br />North Star Bank <br />1820 LEÐóngtonAvenue <br /> <br />651-487-4422 <br /> <br />Email <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />In the event the FlnanciaUnstiMion needs to contact the Company.thefOUowilÏg contact infoJ'rliatiOn <br />shall·constitute notice if delivered to: <br /> <br />Emergency Contact <br />Company Name <br />Street Address <br />TelèphorieNumber <br /> <br />Steven R Sarkozy <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center <br />651-490·2201 <br /> <br />TItle City Manager <br />Clty/St RoseviDe. MN 55113 <br />Fax 651-490·2276 <br />EmäU steve.sarkozv(Q) <br /> <br />Transaction 8eltlementlDelivefY Tlmeframes <br />AI! ACH Ci'edlt Entries should be completedlaulhörized at least two (2) business days poor to the <br />-Effective Date·ot the transactions, All ACH Debit EntrieS should be completedlauthorlZëd at leaSt <br />one (1)blJsiness day prior to the "Etrective Date" of the tranSaCtions, If the transactions are not <br />cornpletedlauthorizedby the requlredtlmetrame, the Financial histiwtlon cannot guarantee the <br />transactions will be accepted by ACHpI'OCèSSO/'S,Or berecelved1postèd on the 'E~tive Datè" by the <br />recipient's tlnanCISIlnstltutlon. The Financial Institution may acœpttheseltemsand they will be <br />forwarcJ8d to theACH proceasor no later than the Finandallnatltutlon's next regularly sëheduled <br />delivery time. <br /> <br />For SettlementlDeliverypur )()se5, a buSiness day is defined as leg~lbæking days where bölh Ihe <br />FlnanciaUnstitution and ACH processor are open for business. The ef1d..of~ay cutoff time is shown <br />below: <br /> <br />End-of.,dayCut-offTime: 4:00JJ.m. TIme zone: C.S.T. <br /> <br />AlIACH Credit originations represent finandal obligations for the Company and FinanciallhStitution. <br />The Financial Institution may reject any Entry if Company has failed to comply with its account <br />balanoe oblig8tiOnsunder Section 10 or 11. Thebalanoe showing in the acçountdeslgnated as the <br />setttementaccount for the Entries must be $ufflCientto cover the total. originations on the ·~I\lery <br />date as described above. IfttlesettternentaccoUntdoes not have sufficJënt funds at that time, the <br />Financial Institution rnay, wlthOutanyliabllity¡deny; rejector ptocessthe Entries. Iftheentnes are <br />processed, the ComþEiny Is stll obligated to pay the· Financial tn$tltutiOnfor the Entries. <br />