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• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED... 1. Economic:Ensure the <br /> lowest possible uniform rate structure for residents, transparency in rate <br /> structures, assurance that city costs will be revenue neutral, less wear and <br /> tear on residential infrastructure, thereby reducing city maintenance <br /> requirements." <br /> Ayes: 4 <br /> Nays: 0 <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Christopher DeLaForest, CEO of DeLaForest Consulting, LLC <br /> (15806 Linnet Street NW;Andover, MN 55304; <br /> Mr. DeLaForest advised that he represented Ace Solid Waste and Walters, both <br /> companies currently licensed to operate in the City of Roseville, as well as other <br /> companies not currently licensed in the City. Recognizing that this issue will <br /> elevate to an upcoming City Council meeting, and based on remarks made at the <br /> recent forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Mr. DeLaForest <br /> expressed his interest in including his remarks in the official record of tonight's <br /> meeting and thanked the PWETC for allowing him the opportunity to do so. On <br /> behalf of Ace and Walters, Mr. DeLaForest stated that they believed in the current <br /> system in place in Roseville, allowing for a consumer-driven, private market <br /> operation. While understanding both sides of the issue and respecting the <br /> comments of other people and their perspectives, Mr. DeLaForest opined that <br /> everyone needed to operate on only the facts, and for the benefit of the PWETC, <br /> he wanted to make their beliefs known. Mr. DeLaForest also recognized, on <br /> behalf of his clients, that the State Statute had been amended in an effort to <br /> address concerns of his clients, they remained supportive of the current system. <br /> Mr. DeLaForest expressed his interest in also addressing this at the City Council <br /> level for the record as well. <br /> Recognizing those statute and process changes, Member DeBenedet asked if Mr. <br /> DeLaForest's clients would be interested in participating in a consortium or <br /> proposal. <br /> Mr. DeLaForest responded that his clients had worked with Senator Marty in a <br /> linear fashion on the bill as introduced at the beginning of the legislative session, <br /> as well as working with the bill's co-author Rep. Slocum from Richfield, the <br /> Chief Author of the House File; at which point some of their concerns were <br /> mitigated and amendments made accordingly. Mr. DeLaForest opined that those <br /> amendments make a consortium system more likely versus a single-hauler <br /> system; and affirmed that their participation would provide an opportunity as <br /> small, independent haulers to retain their market share. However, compared to <br /> the current open, more consumer-directed model, which is their preference, Mr. <br /> DeLaForest further opined that there remained some confusion with this very <br /> serious matter; with their perspective that the consortium model was the <br /> difference in getting punched once or twice. Mr. DeLaForest reiterated the <br /> Page 17 of 19 <br />