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moreover, a conditional use approval can be rescinded if the approved use fails to <br /> comply with all applicable Code requirements or any conditions of the approval; <br /> d. An animal boarding/day care facility that is conducted entirely indoors is a permitted <br /> use in the CB zoning district and, not being adjacent to parks or other public facilities <br /> except for streets and a storm sewer, any potential impacts would be caused by pet <br /> waste and patron traffic. The outdoor component should not increase traffic <br /> noticeably beyond what could be expected for an indoor facility, and conditions to <br /> minimize impacts to the storm sewer system can be attached to an approval of the <br /> request. For these reasons, the proposal should not be expected to intensify any <br /> practical impacts on parks, streets, or public infrastructure; <br /> e. This applicant received approval of a similar facility in 2010 as an interim use, which <br /> was granted with a series of conditions to minimize impacts to the several residential <br /> neighbors of the previous location and, during the entire 3-year operation, City staff <br /> has received no complaints about noise, odors, or other nuisances. With some similar <br /> conditions attached to an approval of the present application, the proposed use will <br /> not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood, will not negatively impact traffic or <br /> property values, and will not otherwise harm the public health, safety, and general <br /> welfare; <br /> f. The proposed facility would be more than 100 feet from the multi-family residential <br /> properties to the south and, although it is adjacent to one property in residential use, <br /> that property owner has written a letter of support for the proposal, included here as <br /> Exhibit A; and <br /> g. Proper screening of the outdoor area will be enforced as part of the administrative <br /> process of permitting the building and other site improvements in preparation of the <br /> site for occupancy of the proposed dog day care facility. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville City Council, to APPROVE <br /> the proposed outdoor facility as a CONDITIONAL USE at 2025 Rice Street in accordance with <br /> Section §1009.02 of the Roseville City Code, subject to the following conditions: <br /> a. All solid pet waste shall be collected at least once each day, placed in bags to <br /> minimize odors, and deposited into the trash. <br /> b. The outdoor activity area shall be thoroughly cleansed and rinsed at least once each <br /> day during warm weather, and as soon as practicable after periods of freezing <br /> weather, with all of the rinse water being directed into a rain garden or other system <br /> approved by the City engineering staff. <br /> c. All affected indoor flooring areas shall be promptly cleaned up using appropriate <br /> cleaning/disinfecting products following pet waste "accidents." <br /> d. The applicant shall work with City engineering staff to ensure that the rate, volume, <br /> and contamination of storm water leaving the property are not increased as a result of <br /> the improvements related to the outdoor area. <br />