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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/29/2013 8:37:24 AM
Creation date
10/29/2013 8:37:08 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,October 14,2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> kids should be able to walk or bike in the area with some degree of safety; and <br /> this should allow that. <br /> As a bike commuter, Mr. Wozniak referenced too many examples of children <br /> he'd observed along the County Road B-2 corridor who were riding against traf- <br /> fic, even though he continually pointed out to them their error in riding on the <br /> wrong side of the street. Mr. Wozniak opined that a separated bike lane or path- <br /> way was the only solution to alleviate these safety concerns; as well as allowing <br /> adults in the community to move around more than currently able to do and in a <br /> safe manner. Mr. Wozniak asked the City Council to proceed with this project, <br /> and thanked them for considering it. <br /> Dennis O'Keefe, 325 County Road B-2 (hill between Western Avenue and <br /> Rice Street—north side) <br /> Mr. O'Keefe recognized that this had been discussed for a long time; however, <br /> personally he did not want to see the pathway, as it would eliminate 11' of his <br /> driveway, and with allowing an additional 2' to avoid abutting the sidewalk, it <br /> would actually eliminate 13' of his driveway. With no off-street parking availa- <br /> ble without confined traffic east and west on County Road B-2, Mr. O'Keefe not- <br /> ed that the only other parking would be halfway up the hill to Western or Matilda, <br /> with his home being right in the middle. If the City proceeded with the project, <br /> Mr. O'Keefe opined that he would like to see the sidewalk stop at Central Park <br /> School. <br /> Another concern expressed by Mr. O'Keefe included snow melt and refreezing on <br /> the sidewalk, questioning who would sand/salt it or be responsible for liability is- <br /> sues during those thaw/freeze cycles after plowing. <br /> Mr. O'Keefe suggested a better option for the City to consider was to put the <br /> $874,000 into a nice clubhouse at the golf course, or in new warming houses as <br /> city parks; and invest in those rather than a B-2 pathway that would be used by <br /> few people. Mr. O'Keefe asked that the City not proceed with the proposed pro- <br /> ject. <br /> Gary Falberg,341 West County Road B-2 <br /> Mr. Falberg noted that this project would go right in front of his house, and simi- <br /> lar to Mr. O'Keefe, he would also lose two (2) parking places and 13' of drive- <br /> way. With adult children currently living in his home, Mr. Falberg opined that <br /> this would create a hardship for him. <br /> Regarding snow plowing, Mr. Falberg opined that the existing pathway on Victo- <br /> ria Street by County Road B-2 doesn't get plowed right away, and while not com- <br /> plaining about that in particular,he questioned how children would walk to school <br /> if the new pathway was not plowed before 2-3 days after a snowfall, opining that <br /> it gets slippery with the many hills, and would become a hazard. <br />
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